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Everything posted by myfs_92558

  1. Dear Master, Are books on understanding of Ba Zi elements ? I'm interested to know what a "snake" represent e.g. "water" and similar what a particular hours represent by animal or elements. And how I could read the "Tong Shui" to understand a particular month is a water, fire, earth etc month as I know that this could help to interpret if the month is good for a particular person. Thks
  2. Hi Masters, It is me again, sorry that I have to post here cos I'm problem in logging in and posting in the Ba Zi conference, in fact, I have to tried 6-7 time before I could post..... I have run the free report again and it shows I'm a strong fire (born in 11 Feb 69 @ 10.15am - Male) but to my surprise my most favourable element is earth. But why not water since I'm strong fire ? I tot the element theory say water destruct fire ? Kindly advise. Thks
  3. Dear Master Robert, Could you kindly advise me what else I could do to enhance my earth element other than wearing yellow & brown shirt ? What about wearing Jade ? Thanks
  4. Dear Masters, I have engage "a few" fs masters in the past but each of them gave me different recommendations and I still don;t see great improvement in my life. And this makes me feel if FS is really workable. In your opinion, what do say a good FS master should have ? Thanks
  5. Dear Master Lee, Thanks for your reply and advise. So I'm a Strong Fire and not Weak Fire and I would probably need to wear more yello shirt. What about animal sign ? Rooster or Monkey ? Thanks David
  6. Dear Masters, I remembered I once used the free report to analyse my Ba Zi and it shows I'm a WEAK FIRE but recently I run the report again, it shows I'm a STRONG FIRE. Could you kindly advise me whether I'm weak or strong fire ? I'm born in 11 Feb 1969 @10.15am. By the way, due to my birth year fall on Monkey for lunar calendar and Rooster in English Calendar, I'm already given 2 version of my animal sign, plse advise if I should use which animal sign . Thank you very much ! David
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