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Everything posted by myfs_98947

  1. Dear Cecil, Note appended by Cecil: I have deleted the file: STREET MAP BEDOK RESERVOIR(1).GIF as it is captured from http://www.streetdirectory.com without Source & Credit to them (standard clause for educational purposes). I believe this site is quite "sticky" with their copyright maps. It is best to cut-paste the link to their website instead of saving their maps. We do not want to infringe on their copyright. My husband and I are interested in blk 10 of the project. There's a canal btw the unit and Bedok town park (pls see attached map). We can't tell what the facing is like due to the weird angle. Our 8 house report says that we should hv the front door facing west, south west, north east or north west. Could you please, please advise whether it's ok to have a canal in front of the living room? I think the unit may have a north east facing. Do you agree? May I also ask for your thoughts about the project? Thanks so much.
  2. Hi Cecil, Would be grateful if you could address my questions below:- Based on my husband's and my "Eight House" reports, the directions north-west, north-east, west and south-west are ideal. We are currently house hunting and quite interested in the Savannah Condo Park. Any thoughts about the feng shui of this project? How can one determine the facing of an apartment (is the facing where the main door faces outwards?)? Apparently, most condos have units with a North-South facing. Are we to avoid buying such units or can we do something to the interior to remedy the bad feng shui? Thanks so much for your help.
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