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  1. Hi there, We had renovation last month in the office. My desk and my co-worker's are L-Shape and our back are facing the edge of the cabinets. Due to the shape of the desks and the space of the office, we can't move the desk so our back can face the wall, nor move the cabinets to the other side. So what should we do?? Since the renovation, we have a lot of problems at work like program error, gossip, and computer broke down. Thank you for your kindly help, we are very appreciated. Sandra
  2. Hi there, I have a difficulty to figure out where is my MAIN ENTRANCE. I live in a apartment and the building entrance is facing South. Due to my parking spot location,I use the side door to enter the building everyday, and which is facing East. But inside the building,my apartment door is facing North. Can you help me to figure out which door is the main entrance? Thank you for you kindly response. Sandra
  3. Hi there, I live in the apartment and I have a mirror hanging in the living room which is facing the big window. I always keep that side of the curtain closed. Can you tell me would that mirror cause any harm?? Thank you for your help. Sandra
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