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Everything posted by myfs_105487

  1. Dear Master: In your book series, you mentioned that the main door can not face another main door. My main door exactly face my neighbour's main door, is it bad? How can I cure this? Besides, my home's site is higher than the neighbour's home site. Thanks a lot for your advice. Michelle
  2. Dear Master Lee: I sent this question to you by E-mail already because I can not attache my floor plan due to the big file, I don't know you received it or not, or the question is over the limit for free advice? My floor plan has the family room, garage, and bedroom4(2nd floor) under the same roof which is lower than the main roof, but the family room is separated from the kitchen area(under the main roof) by half wall, and there is door from the main house to the garage, the 2nd floor bedroom4 is over the garage. The question is : should I use one nine grid for the whole house, or should I use two nine grids...one is for the main house, and another one for the garage portion (including family, garage and bedroom4). Hope this question can also help others whose househas attached garage like I do. Thanks in advance for your help. Michelle
  3. Dear Robert or Cecil: my home is a new construction. The ground was broken in May 2003. Roof was put on in December 2003. All the floors(tile, carpet), closet, electric wiring and kitchen will be installed in October 2004, and we will move in in November, 2004, which period chart should I use? 7 or 8? Thanks a lot. Michelle
  4. Dear robert: Thanks so much for replying to my E-mail, all the advices and insights are worth much much more than the minimal money I paid. Thanks again for your help, and I will keep you posted for my progress. By the way, I tried to use internet explorer instead of netscape 7.1, and now I can post! Yours Sincerely, Michelle Guo
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