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Everything posted by myfs_113515

  1. Sorry, I am also Strong Earth. Would enhancing the water sector have a negative influence on me? Thanks! DW
  2. Hi team, Firstly, i've been doing an extensive research about keeping Marine fish because of their beauty and the science that goes into keeping them. I have been keeping fish for 5 years and enjoy watching them grow and so I want to upgrade to Marine fish. By the way, i've been doing lots of searches on your site and couldn't find the answer I was looking forso I hope this question doesn't annoy you. Anyway, Feng Shui is also another 'hobbie' of mine and would like to know your opinion on this one: 1. My water position is NW, which is also the 'death' sector'for me. My front door facesNW, I was thinking of putting the aquarium in the foyer (entrance), since fishes are to absorb sha chi, right? The floor is tile which makes water changing easier for me. 2. My partner is strong wood. Would strengthening the water sector influence her? 3. Otherwise the aquarium can go into our living room which takes up the SE (Fire) and E (Wood) sector since water can calm down fire or strengthen the wood. The living room has new carpet and too much natural light. I feel reluctant putting the aquarium there, but if it's a better position, we can find a way. 4. Also, i read somewhere on your site and now I can't find it - a break down of the elements in an aquarium ie fish = metal, tank = water etc.. If you could direct me to finding it again. Thank you and kind regards, Daniel Wong
  3. Hi Mary, Finding work is probably work itself. I know many many people who do not practice Feng Shui and still are able to find good jobs. Here are some of my suggestions to enhance your luck with work. 1. Get educated. Beats working for McDonalds and settling into a career that you enjoy doing will take you to success. 2. Go for a make over. Change bad habits, create a positive attitiude. Be confident in yourself and if needs be, get a nice hair cut and upgrade your clothes. 3. Aim for the top. Companiesneed tolook at you as a valued worker rather than a burden to the company. 4. Excercise. Keeping yourself in good shape and good health will improve the soul. 5. Set goals. There's nothing worse than leading yourself to destruction. 6. Control your spending habits. Nothing worse than hungering for money when you don't have self mastery. 7. Don't go overboard in Feng Shui if you don't understand the basics. Start of with, if possible, moving your bed to face your auspisious direction. Keep your home clean, tidy and bright. 8. Don't give up on your search. Some opportunities only come once. Follow your own instincts.
  4. Dear Yee Leng, Your message attracted my attention about whether prayer is useful in relationships. From personal experience it has been most effective and my reasons to why as follows: 1. It has been a time of meditaion and reflection on discovering for yourself what root problems and concerns there are in your relationship. 2. In prayer, you are asking for help from God, a more powerful source and who is the creator of the world and ALL of mankind. 3. Prayer together as a family stays together. Listening to a loved one pray foranother person'swelfare has helped me appriciate life with the ones I love, more. 4. Prayer reduces fights, qurrals and cold heartedness. 5. Prayer WOULD lessen the suffering in the world - only if everyone knew how to pray. 6. Prayer needs to be from the heart, said daily, and not set/repetitive as such have no meaning - in order to be effective. 7. Prayer is the motivator to ACTION and less TALK! 8. A good Feng Shui environment can helpenrich your time in prayer such as during meditation. If you want to learn more about the power of prayer, I am more than happy to help... dd1d2@hotmail.com
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