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  1. Hi Adviser, You mentioned that those "fengshui items" are merely for decorative purposes and do not serve any fengshui enhancements. What about crystals and gems like rose quartz, amethyst etc?I read in certainwebsite that they have "healing properties" when use for meditation.Can crystals help to improve fengshui? Thank You. Rgds, Bloomy
  2. Hi Adviser, From one of the free 8 house reports generated from your website, it is stated that Northwill beideal for storeroom or toilets as it's my spook direction. I'm born in rat year. But I read a book that for year 2006, those born in the year of Rat should not have a toilet occupying their north direction, or else career luck is adversely affected.The book states that by placingcrystals or growing plants inside such a toilet will reduce the bad effect. I happened to have a toilet occupying the north of my house. I'm Basically a sagittarian rat. Would like to hear your advice. Thank You. Gummy
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