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  1. hello Cecil and RObert i'm putting decorative strings of lights shaped like stars permanently on the left wall of the main entrance (the door opens to swing to the left) which faces SW. Is it alright or like putting mirrors and crystals have significance? Please advice ..thanx Regards, Mei
  2. Hello Cecil I have a similar problem..as follows: 1[In addition, things like lone lamp-post(s) slicing into the windows / main entrance of the home are also considerations of Feng Shui threats.] There is a water pipe facing the middle of my window which is next to the main door. It does not face the main door tho. (see photo). What can i do to retify the threat? 2[Other considerations also include where is the drainage from / into and out of the property as this will affect the wealth of the home] This pipe is it considered a drainage? It runs from top to bottom and there's a small srain flowing past the front door (right to left) into a small man hole. Should i be concern and what can i do? Please help.. this is my first new home. Thanks Mei
  3. dear robert should i put windchime or plants to 'invite' flow of chi in since my main door faces the wall of a parapet balcony? please help. hdb pnly did the renovation to the buliding a month after i gave owner option to buy flat so i cant do anything but improve it. thanks so much mei
  4. Dear Robert, i understand some of the rituals required like burning red charcoal and saying a prayer (i'm catholic) before entering the flat when movin in. A friend suggested i get a priest to bless the home the minute i open the door as the new owner (i'll be the 3rd new owner)for the first time to 'claim' the place over any 'unwanted guests'. Is that so ................ help. i'm getting first time owner jitters already. Thank you in advance. Mei yee
  5. Dear Robert, Thanks for the advice. Will take note of the stay over issue. Regards, Meiyee
  6. Edited by Robert: Combined similiar post together Dear Robert, Thank you for your reply. I have a clearer idea what to do for my stove in the kitchen now. However, im now more worried as u also mentioned: A. suitability of the house for the breadwinner B.favourable bedroom for breaswinner, etc i'm only owner and living alone with flatmate so i am main breadwinner. According to the personal analysis, i belong to the east group, my gua number is 9 and i'm a south house with N, E, SE and S as best directions. My main door faces SW [six killings] and my best bedrom in the flat lies in the NW [death for front of room]/ N [longevity for back of room near window]. As long as i sleep in the North sector of the room, with head pointing SE, that's good for me but what can i do for my main door facing? My unit is on the 12th floor and main door faces a wall, belonging to the side of corridor balcony(see photo attached). Does that mean my unit is protected from six killings because of the wall? if not, shall i put a partition, water element like fountain to block six killings? Please advice, i've just got iut if a rut in 2001 which took 3 years to get myself back on track and do not wish to be affected again. Thank you. Additional Posting (Combined): i mean i was in a rut in 2001 and didnt recover til mid 2004. So i do not wish to get affected again ... and since then, i've been careful about my positioning. Thanks. Sorry for the typo. Meiyee
  7. yeah i was also about to ask this question.. i have limited number pf leave and they are unpaid so i can only paint my resale flat at night and possibly stayover. i am da only owner so can i and some friends stay iver before the move in ritual day itself?
  8. Edited by Robert: Merge 2nd post into single post. dear sir I am a single owner of a flat and my litchen in the flat is in the SE ans S which are my favarable directions, including N. However, i learned that the stove should be located in one of the bad directions of the 'spouse' and face the good direction. I have a problem, when i place the stove against the wall to movecloser to the NW and the mouth of the stove faces SE, behind the wall is mybed and i cant put it anywhere else because that's the best position since my bedroom is in the NW / Nof the flat and the head points SE. If i create an island stove so that it's mouth can still face the SE, is it sitting closer to NW? Please advice, im really lost. What about rice cooker or electrical appliances, where is the 'mouth'? i hears that the mouth for electrical appliances like rice cooker, microwave, conventional oven, electric multi cooker, even toaster are at the plug of the gadget is that right?
  9. hey thomas how are u and your flatmate now? If he doesnt mind paying a lil bit more, he could rent a room with like minded ppl. I am looking for a flatmate to share my flat and its 10 min from a partyzone, nearest MRT is bouna vista and its not too far from uni. If he is interested, let me know. ;) Mei
  10. HDB doing upgrading to the flats in Holland Avenue and has added an extra lift lobby, which is just adjacent to the left of my flat. My unit is a corridor unit and because of the new lift lobby, a new circular balcony has been done and the side wall of this balcony now faces my front door with a corner point of the wall pointingatliving room window. Standing at the front door, looking right ... the view is not blocked but if i look straight, i see the balcony wall. Is this going to affect the fengshui coming in through the front door? According to my house report against my birthdate, i am a 'South facing house' but my front door faces SW and its not really favourable for me so being blocked by this wall is ita blessing in disguise, blocking the pointy daggers?? If not, how can i improve the situation? Please advise. Thanks. Mei mei
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