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  1. Dear Robert and Cecil I have moved to this place in July. First I noticed that there is a birds nest in my garage and just recently birds have not came back maybe of seasonal reasons but instead I realised a bat is now staying in my storeroom which is behind the garage. Are bats meant to be good symbol for fungshui? Also in my new house, my main door is facing the SW and behind my garden (NE) there is a pond. I learnt that NE is bad for finance in period 8....please advise cure for this. Many thanks in advance.
  2. Edited by Robert: Don't need to re-post multiple queries on the same topic especially in a short period of time. Sometimes really busy so haven't even have time to attend to the forum messages. Duplicate / Similiar post has been removed. Dear Cecil / Robert I am new to this website..I have finally managed to place my question in the right conference (I hope). I am moving to my new house soon and it faces NW. However next to it on the right hand side there is a park with a fish pond. I understand in period 8 that it is bad to see water in NE as it will have bad effect and downturn with our finance ($)....Could you please advise cure or element that I can do to prevent it happening to us. My DOB is 17/4/73, 8:15am. thank you
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