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  1. Hi. I have three questions about my room: 1. I am thinking of putting a loft bed into my room to save space. My room is on the South-East corner of my house, it has one window facing south and another window facing East. The bed can only go in the south-east corner of the room, where it will be in front of the East facing window. This will cut off some of the light, but as I work nights and sleep days, that is not a bad thing. Are there any Feng Shui rules about Loft beds I should know? 2. Also I have three pet garter snakes I keep in a terrarium in my room. What sort of effect do they have on Feng Shui? I have read articles aboutfish and Feng Shui, but there is little information about other animals. 3. I would like to buy some very small deer antlers to decorate my room with. What areas of the room would be good and bad to put them into? Thanks for your time. - Ann
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