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Everything posted by myfs_119319

  1. Dear Mr. Lee. Thank you very much.
  2. Dear Mr, Lee. I always think sword can protect someone from bad spirits. Most of all, I practice Kung Fu. Is it bad to hang swords in the living room or inside the garage? I have a Japanese sword hanging above the fire place in my living room. It is also facing my kitchen stove. Is this bad feng shui? I also have4 Chinese swords (one without the case ) hanging next to the garage door. Is this bad also? Thank you for advise.
  3. Dear master Lee. I hope you can help clarify something for me. Under personal Ba Zi / Feng Shui element report, it showed at the beginning that Kua type is wood (right next to the heavenly stem and earthly branch). But under it, the birth element indicated I am a weak Yin Fire and I don't want to be too weak otherwise I cannot take advantage of my Wealth Element. I am confused. Am I belonging to wood element or weak fire element? Most important, I am trying to determine what career is best for me. I am having difficult time to change my career for the last few years. Sadly to say, I am very unhappy with my job for years. Thank you.
  4. Dear sir: I would like to know if this is true that person belongs to wood element should not wear gold and silver. Thank you.
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