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Everything posted by myfs_122147

  1. Dear Master, Please help on this as to what can be done as I am in a desparate situation on how to overcome this probelm . Thank you
  2. Dear Mr.Lee, Thank you for your advice. The neighbour does not listen to us and persist in hanging up the pakua saying that it is for his family good. After observing, his pakua is actually hanging at the main door and infront ishis metal grill door whick at certain angle block direct sight of the pakua from our door. Will hanging potted plants outside our door helps or hanging wind chime helps in this case. ThankYou Regards See
  3. Dear Master, Recently, I have move into my new home and realised my neighbour oppositemy house has a pa kua mirror hanging above his main doorfacing my main entrance door. When ever I open the door i would always see the Pakua. Is this good for my family? My Main door is facing North East. Anything I could do to soften this impact. Thank you Reagrds See
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