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  1. Thank you very much for answering this question for me. I really appreciate your help.
  2. I bought a manufactured home in January 2006. In using the Flying Star method, would I use this as the birth date instead of when the home was built? Thank you for your help
  3. My question has to do with bed positioning. My bedroom is the master bedroom and there is no way for me to put my bed that it won't be in a wrong position. Three of the walls are slanted, and the one I have the bed against now is a straight wall, butthe angle of the foot of the bed is toward my bathroom door and my closet door. The bed isn't directly in front of these doors, but the end of thebed forms an angle to them both.The only wall that may be possible at all, is the wall that contains the bedroom door on it but that is a slanted wall and is also the wall that separates the bedroom from the living room. The bed would then point directly West which is very good for me, and there would be no angle to any other doors in the room. What should I do?
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