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  1. Dear Cecil, Thank you for your reply.Yes it was helpful! Mybedroomhave7 5 2 stars in it. All 3 are not great numbers. So I understood that I am to use metal and water elementsfor that room. Last year the annual star #2 fly inmy current bedroom which made it 7 5 2 2. Whatis the best treatment for that room... more metal items? wood? This year it is 75 2 1, On the report I ordered from you..I got puzzled.. 20 year chart says for 7 2 make use of water to exhaust and weaken Metal Annual 5 1 make use of Metal to exhaust and weaken earth. If you weaken the metal then the metal can't weaken the earth. If I put more water like strong blue paint in my bedroom, it will makemy strong water element stronger which would be too much for me and causes me to havewater related health problems. Can I add green in that room to help reduce my strong water and weaken theearth? Am I right in that line ofthinking?? If I have to change rooms, then I have 6 6 1 (my death area) as my office which is prosperity area. I am not sure which is best use 6 6 1 as office or 7 5 2 (my irritation area) as bedroomor the other way around is better. What is your advice on this thorny dilmmea.So you see that is where I got stuck in making decision. Thank you for your time
  2. Hi Cecil, Here is a dilemma I have been puzzled about. I wanted to know how does Annual star affect the 20 year stars (mine is period 7). Do I keep the same color cure for the whole20 year stars or I need to change the colors according to my Annual star treatment? What element will a windchime withglass pieces hanging instead of the chimes be? Thank you.
  3. Hi Cecil, I have a wallbetween my bedroom and bathroom. The toliet is placed behind that wall. If I put my bed against that wall, would toliet affect/flush out my energies while sleeping? Thank you for your time.
  4. Hi, Inperiod 7 (2001) , I painted my house with certain color cure for each room according tomy flying star chart. Now it is period 8.Will the color cure be the same in Period 8and 9 (future)? If not, what is the best way to do? If I just had only the roof shingles changed without taking the plywood off my roof, would that change my house to period 8? What are the different ways of making my house into 8th period without replacing the roof? Thank you for your time.
  5. I am sending this email on behalf of my friend who does not have access to internet.Her house was built in 1950 and it must be period 5 house. She had a new dormer added to her house's attic in period 7. How do I apply the flying star chart to her house? Use period 5 for the whole house? or Use period 7 for the whole house? Or Use half of period 5 to the area with older roof and period 7 with the newer roof? Please advise. Thank you for your time.
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