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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. I have a star combination of 7-2-7 occupying 3/4 of my bedroom and part of my main entrance and living room. The bedroom has a window and I am a strong earth person. The remaining living room is mainly occupied by star combination 2-6-3 and part of the bedroom is occupied by star combination 9-4-5. Can you please advise me how to activate these stars for my benefit (in particular the double 7s)? Thank you for your advise. Dylan
  2. I noticed from your sample reports you have analysed a person's destiny based on hour, day, month and year. However, under the report "Pillars of Destiny Online Premium" you have taken account of the House of Conception and House of Life as well. 1. As the additional element in these two pillars may combine or clash with the four main pillars does this mean analysing the four main pillars only would not be accurate? Bearing in mind the total elements would increase or decrease and the number of deities would also change. 2. Must one always analysed these six pillars together? If yes, why do we just analyse the four main pillars? Thank you for your clarification. Dylan
  3. How does one tell the number of children a person would have from the pillars of House of Conception?
  4. My self element is Earth and in my hour pillar the heavenly stem is Fire and the earthly branch is Wood. 1. Does this mean I will have a son who is supportive and a daughter who will control me? 2. A check on my son's pillars show his month heavenly stem is Fire and his self element is Metal. Does this mean I will control him? 3. In your sample reports of pillars of destiny I have noted under the "season's influence on your elements" you have made the following remark; "You are born in the Spring Season, when Earth element is Extremely Weak...". I have read that each season is control by the Yin and Yang element in the first and second third of the season and the Earth element in the last third. Effectively, the Earth element is present whole year round. Why is it that the Earth element can be extremely weak in spring? Thank you for your advise. I enjoy visiting your web site very much.
  5. My pillars consist of 3 Earth, 3 Fire and 2 Wood. My self element is Earth. I lack of money element (Water) and intelligence element (Metal). 1. While it may be possible to enhance the missing elements as suggested in some of your advised, will it really help in changing my destiny? Will wearing ornaments that are Water or Metal help in making me wealthy? 2. Would renovating my home according to good Feng Shui help? Is it true that it can improve but still limited to a person's destiny? Thank you for your advise. Dylan
  6. I have heard that it is not advisable to place paintings or figurine of a tiger in the house. I have a God of Wealth (Chai Shen Yeh) sitting on a tiger placed in my living room facing the main door. 1. Is it okay to place this figurine in my house? 2. Is there any particular place where this figurine should or can be placed? 3. Would it affect anyone who is born in a year that is weak compared to the tiger? Many thanks for your advise. Dylan
  7. In my kitchen there is a beam that runs exactly on top of my cooking stove. I heard that this is not a good feng shui but I cannot do anything to move my gas stove due to space constraint. Is there anyway to remedy this? What is the effect of having this beam above the gas stove? Please advise.
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