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  1. Dear Anonymous, Yes I do understand what you are trying to say and you are quite right. I was probably just grumpy that day, but yes I do agree that the purpose of such forums is indeed to exchange knowledge and learn. Thank you for replying Robert B.
  2. Dear Anon, With due respect, I think this line of questioning is not a pleasant one, nor a fair one to ask our mentors in Feng Shui.Most cultures have certain Taboos, for example Tibetans 50 years ago thought it disgusting that people eat chicken, duck, geese and other birds for the same reason as you suggested eating dog meat is disgusting (also because these birds are considered to be auspicious). They also consider eating fish to be revolting & to be very bad karma! Modern day Hindus think eating beef is disgusting and even more so veal - this is not entirely a religious prejudice as they say they have an inate aversion much as cultures have to eating unfamiliar things. Ultimately, humans, unless they develop themselves, are predatory creature and will eat anything that moves - but this applies to all cultures. It is also unfair to see all Chinese as one homogenous group. China consists of a multitude of ethnic groups, varieties, languages etc all unified as one country. Europe could have evolved the same way and then people who are not european could ask Swedes as to why Europeans (meaning in fact French) eat horse meat and frogs legs, and why Europeans (meaning Scotts) eat sheap stomache and intestines, or why Europeans (English) eat Dried Blood as Black pudding, or why Europeans(Italians) eat Snails etc etc ad nauseam. wishing Happiness to all Robert B.
  3. Hi! One must remember that Chinese cuisine is very ancient and most ingredients in Chinese diet are well established through historical precedent. Both Tomato and Potato were only added to the European diet since Christopher Columbus brought them back from the "New World" As Cecil has put it, the need for potato is not there in the Chinese diet. India, conversely has absorbed both these two "New" items completely into her cuisine. Interestingly enough Chinese cuisine has embraced the use of capsicum (peppers & chilli - not black or white pepper)types of vegetables totally. The capsicum vegetables also came from the "New World" as did corn(maize) and Tobacco. Robert B.
  4. Dear Cecil, Would you please let me know whether there are any sites on the web or whether geomancy on line will be dealing with the type of I Ching divination where the 12 earthly branches, 5 aspects of life , 6 animals etc are used in conjunction with the calendar to interpret the hexagram? I would like to discuss/ask certain questions on this topic if I may.I learnt this method quite a few years ago but some aspects of this remain unclear to me. Regards Robert
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