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Everything posted by myfs_133121

  1. Our wealth area has a fireplace. If we were to put water fountains, do we need to put them right next to the fireplace or can it be on the fireplace mantel or somewhere around the fireplace. Our career area is in the north section of the house which is a bedroom. Kua is 2. How can we enhance our career without disrupting other things
  2. My bedroom and bathroom are in the career area. What can i do to improve my career? Kua is 2.
  3. Thankyou. Can you please offer any tips for maximizing the benefits?
  4. My husband is in the west group. His kua number is 2. Our master bedroom and an attached bathroom fall in the north direction. The room and hte bathroom color are blue. This appears to be a really bad position to be in. Is there anything we can do rather than move.?
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