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Everything posted by myfs_134391

  1. Hello. I am putting a small garden out of the front of my condominium. This quadrant is the NW section of my house. A line of pine trees lies accross the parking lot. The garden will lie in front of a large living room window. There is also a metal light pole in the yard right in front. My question is, so I create the colors of the garden to reflect the NW section of the house (metal) or do I put the bagua over the garden and have different sections for the different areas. I have been looking and cannot find that answer. Also, how can I counteract the metal pole in front of my window (about 20 yards) to soften the poison arrow effect? Thank you in advance for your help. Colleen
  2. Dear Cecil. Thank you for answering part of my question, however, I didn't say that my beds were in the coffin position, I stated "If the beds are moved to the other side, then they are in front of the door. If they are put against the window, then they are in burial position, feet facing door." Right now the beds are as in the document I attached. My window is not a half window, but6' wide and centered on the wall. The beds would be higher than the bottom of the window by about a foot if placed in front of the window. I am looking forward to the analysis of how to remedy the situation morefully. Thank you for your time.
  3. Dear Feng Shui Master. Details: I am female, head of household, born 5/5/1954 at 11:54 PM. I am Gua 8 - Metal. House: Situated NW, Bedroom SE, head of bed SE. (see attachment) Flying Stars: My house is NW2 Sitting position is Water-6, Mountain 6, Time, 7. Facing position is Water-8, Mountain 4, Time, 5. (see attachment). If the beds are moved to the other side, then they are in front of the door. If they are put against the window, then they are in burial position, feet facing door. According to everything I have read, this is the worst position for my Gua to be in. What element needs to be changed / entered to make for better ch'i? Thank you in advance.
  4. Dear Feng Shui Master: I am confused. I am a female born on 5/5/1954 at 11:54 pm. According to one type of Feng Shui I am the element wood but when looking in the Ming Gua Reference chart, I am in Gua 8 - Earth and if I figure it by calculation of 1+9+5+4 = 1+9 = 1+0 = 1; 4 + 1 = 5 and according to them if your number is 5, you default to gua 2 - also Earth. There was also one place that said I was Fire. Please tell me my correct element and the best house placement for me. I live in a rectangle house with a door located in the NW at this time. Thank you for your help.
  5. My kitchen is very small and has all the wrong elements and I need to know how to fix them. The kitchen is in the shape of a rectangle, the door is NW, a wall is on the SE (a picture of the ocean on the wall with a door to the right facing the wall and a short hall to dining area to the left), the West is the sink and on the East is the Stove and refrigerator - both in a corner. I have pictures of frogs in wood frames (4 of them) above the sink and other wood objects on the wall on the right and left of the kitchen door. What feng shui remedy can I use for this area? Feng Shui Beginner
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