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Posts posted by mehtakaushal

  1. Hi cecil,
    my best friend is having bad health most of the time. fever n cold frequently. i found that the bathroom is in her bedroom. plus the bathroom door and the bed are in the same line and when she sleeps her legs are pointing towards the bathroom door. now i definately feel this is bad feng shui. am i correct? what can be the harmfull effects by the above situation. pls let me know asap.
    what are the possible cures?
    thanks a lot

  2. Hello Cecil
    I would like to know the names of Purifiers n Cleansers that can bring good chi. i mean when i clean my house what can i add in the water so that it might bring good chi. release negativity. i am sure there must be few items that can be used. i regularly use insence in my rooms. are there any others things?

  3. Hi cecil
    i recently found out that the wealth corner is missing in my house. Will placing a full length mirror help me to bring the corner into existence. or what should i do?
    pls help me
    thanks kaushal

  4. Hi Cecil
    Thanx for the all the help. In my entrance passage of my house i am putting new tiles on the floor. Any advice on the color and type which can help to create good feng shui.

  5. Hi
    I have heard a lot about a pa kua mirror. infact i have placed one just above my main door. But still i am curious to know the meaning behind it. maybe a small history or the benefit of using it. I have heard that its good, but im want to know more than that.
    Please advice
    love and light

  6. Hi
    I read that placing rock salt in inaccessible areas of the house help to absorb negative energies, is it true ?
    There are corners behind my bed where there is a small gap and i cant clean those areas.
    will it help me if i put rock salt in those areas?
    love and light

  7. Hello People,
    I have a room in my house above my bathroom, where all the junk is kept. Is it bad? what is the harm it is doing? what solutions can I place? any body knowing the ans pls. reply to this message or email me pls. at mehtakaushal@hotmail.com
    love and light
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