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  1. Hello Mr Cecil Can you please suggest if I can hang the attached picture in my bedroom on the south wall Regards
  2. Hi Mr Cecil, Thankyou so much for your reply, your advice is very valuable, I have removed this painting from my house. Thankyou once again
  3. Hello Mr. Cecil Thankyou so much for your reply, I really appriciate it. I have lately been concerned about this picture since I read on a blog that picutre of peony flowers may lead to extra marital affairs, and thats the reason I decided to take an expert advice. From you reply it is clear that this picture is auspicious but not clear if it is good or bad for my married life. It seems from your message that this picture may not be good for marital life, please correct me if I am wrong. I would really appreciate you reply for this since I am going through tough times lately. Looking forward for your reply Thankyou so much once again
  4. Hello, Are peony flowers good for marital bliss? I have hung a picture of peony flowers with two birds in the south wall of my living room,please suggest if this is good for married couples. Looking forward for your reply
  5. I am sorry I mean, peony flowers along with two birds together Please suggest
  6. Hi, I have hung a picture of poenies with two love birds in the south wall of my living room, please tell me if this is good for my husband and me and our life
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