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Everything posted by myfs_144435

  1. Thank you very much, Master Lee. A follow-up question: you mentioned "number of hobs". I assume you mean the number of coils or burners. Would a five burner stove be preferred over a four burner stove? Also, we're planning to place a steel plate behind the stove (thus somewhat doubling effect.). Would that impact the number of burners we should get? Thanks, WR
  2. Respected Master Lee, We are going to install kitchen cabinet pulls. We are considering new semi-circle (not exactly round) shaped cabinet knobs. Would that be considered a cleaver shape and hence be avoided? As an alternative, we're considering round (sphere like) knob. Both knobs are metals and in non-shiny finish. Thank you for your advice. Regards, WR
  3. Respected Master Lee, We have a house facing North (it may be a few degrees towards West). Please see a rough layout below. We are looking to expand Bed2 and Bed3 towards North by 5 feet (currently there's porch there which we want to move inside by moving the walls). SOUTH ============================ | | | | | Bed 1 | | Living Room | | | -------------------- | | | | | | | Bed | Bed | | | | 2 | 3 | East | Kitchen | ================ WEST | | | ==========| | | | | | Garage | | | | | =========== NORTH =================================================== ROAD =================================================== A Question -- I read somewhere that 2010 is not a good year to expand in the North direction. Should we hold off expanding in north for another year, or is there something we can do to alleviate any issues from disturbing the North side? Would 2011 be a better year for such a remodel? Thanks much for your help. Regards.
  4. Hi Master Lee, I used to have a tree in front of the house. We recently had the tree removed (cut at the ground level, about 1-2 inches above the ground) since it was damaging the concrete driveway and was about to damage the foundation (per a contractor). Since the removal of the tree, we see some health and minor unexpected financial issues. Also, we see that there's a cleaver arrow coming from a building opposite to the house. Upon a local advice, we did do some ceremony around the tree a few weeks after cutting the tree. Still no complete relief. 1. What's the best cure? We don't see a simple way to hide a convex ba gua mirror in the front of the house. Is that the best solution? Can we hang a plant or a wind-chime? 2. Alternatively, we're considering planting another tree near the old one. Would a Japanese maple tree (with green leaves) be good? (I'm unsure what type of tree we removed). Asking the question since the leaves of the maple tree is pointed. The tree is about 25-27 feet from the front-door. The cleaver-like building side is about 50-60 feet away from the house. The house faces almost exactly north (may be a couple of degrees to the west). And the tree is almost in the middle of the front-yard when measuring sideways. (so when facing the house, the tree is not on the left or right of the lot, in the center. And in the front..) Please advise. Sincere Thanks.
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