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Everything posted by myfs_149382

  1. NGreetings Master Lee: Question: Could the sink in the North sector of my apartment be the 'evil drainer' of my income? I really searched to find the answer on my own, but I'm am stuck on this one. I am a person that is very good at budgeting my finances so it's not like I spend precious income on frivolous things. But I notice that my income has been diminishing over a period of time. Either it's jobs that I work on go out of business or restructure the company and lay of entire departments. Or the business has to make severe cutbacks in staff. I know we in the U.S. have been going thru downturns over the past few years, but my issue has been happening even before the downturn. I am a very good worker and receive many acknowledgements from my bosses. And I am not a meanie. (How can? I am just a nice little Fire Sheep) But no matter how good I may be at my job, the company still has to lay off its workers. It wasn't until learning about Feng Shui that I realized that hey......maybe this sink in the North of my home is involved. Possibly taking my wealth down the drain. Really, I don't want to 'Blame it all on the sink', but something is going on. I use this old little marble and wood sink for cleaning and washing every day. It's located in the North Corner of the North Sector in a small narrow room that had some cupboards and a metal rack. Oh there's also a mirror above the sink that reflects the florescent light on the wall across from it. (photos attached) Should I not use it anymore and use an alternate sink? Should I cover the drain only when not in use? I know this seems like a long story - but I want to give good details. Please, please can help me? Thank you very much, Lisa New York
  2. Dear Master Lee: Thank you for the info. I guess I was concerned about nothing. I figured that since I am a 9 Weak Fire--East Group person and my bedroom is in the Southwest (irritation--my best location is a North bedroom) a fireplace with poison arrows would be compounding the problem. Could this be the reason I do not sleep well? I don't know...maybe. Not to mention the lampost in the front left hand side of the house is an issue. But maybe this lampost makes up for Green Dragon on the left (look at me now--I think I am landscape feng shui expert now) And the tree on the right hand side of the house has branches that reach across my bedroom window. Oh man!!! Well anyway I do not have the major problems that Japan is having right now. I really should focus more healing energy around them instead. I will. I want to make sure the geometry in my environment will assist in the intensity of this focus. Besides sleeping...not so good. Money...not so good. I could use some improving for myself. It would be nice. I did put an orange paisley pashmina (silk) over the arrows of the fireplace some time ago because putting a plant to suppress it is not good in bedroom. Any suggestions would be appreciated. And you are correct about grandma. My grandma and my mother would tell me "Don't worry--just move out of that house", and come live with either of them.
  3. Greetings: This issue has been on my mind for a very long time. I have a Southwest Bedroom. There is a non-working marble fireplace in the North/Northwest part of the bedroom. A solid rectangular black metal covering is located 2/3 way up from the bottom in the center. On the floor below the fireplace is more marble which is about 1 x 5 square feet. This fireplace also has about 5 sharp corners on each side and my bed is across from one of the 2 sets of corners. I simply cannot put my bed any place else in the room and even if I were to have a different size bed, it would not help. I have tried to figure out the cures myself, but I keep going in circles. Please help me with a solution. Thank you very much, Lisa New York City
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