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  1. Sorry, I attached the wrong photo! Here is the photo I meant to attach! -__-
  2. Thank you Cecil for your quick response! Sorry, it just triggered me a lot since I have just started learning feng shui and had been buying and reading countless books on it. I get soo frighten when I read one little thing wrong that my room might have! My question was actually is directing laying in line with body laying right opposite from a television and hard equipment bad feng shui? As for the head rest part, I just wasn't too sure about my head position by the door. In addition, can I apply the flying star feng shui with the western feng shui where the room door entrance is considered the career sector (north) no matter where your door is without the compass reading?
  3. Thank you for your quick reply Cecil! According to my bed position, you said it was acceptable, but according to other books I have read the bed should never be in line with the door? My head is rested on the wall, but there is nothing behind that room wall (considering the interior of the house design). Looking at my photos, can you please let me know if the table/computer desk/tv in front of my bed acceptable? It is glass table, would it be considered bad in regards to poison arrows or mirror reflection as its positioned? Are the frames around my room too sharp and can they be considered considered poison arrows? Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks much!
  4. To the adviser of Geomancy, I am currently living with my family, but occupy most of my time in my bedroom. The bedroom that I am in is located on the South of the home (assuming it is South by a compass reading it back- turned in front of the room entrance). My bedroom has two doors: a door for the main entrance and another that leads to the backyard. Both doors are in line with one another on the opposite side, except that the door knobs are not in line rather one swing open to the right and the other to the left. Is this a bad thing? Are there any cures if it is? My bed it currently up against the wall in line with the entrance door where the back of my head is rested south. I can only see the doorway if I lay on my right side facing east, though there is a very tight gap between my bed and the door. According to feng shui, this position is not preferable. However, the only alternative I have to see both doors is to set the bed in the middle of the room in the west position. This is my worst position according to my kua number and the east (best position) is fully occupied by my closet. Please let me know what you think is the best position for my bed is? Would it be real bad to have my bed in any of the four inauspicious directions? Would the Southwest work as it is the least worst? I've attached some photos of my room and the furniture position. Please me know what you think! =)) Hope to hear from you soon Thank you http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac134/be_hoang/DSC03565.jpg http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac134/be_hoang/DSC03566.jpg http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac134/be_hoang/DSC03567.jpg http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac134/be_hoang/DSC03568.jpg
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