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  1. Dear Master Lee, Thanks for your advise. Appreciate your help! Have a Great Dragon Year!
  2. Thank you once again Master Lee for your detail explanation. Took me quite a while to digest ;) Can you help to enlighten me on : 1. when we say "North is Water,South is Fire,etc, does it mean that these sectors are already of these elements without the deco of the respective shapes, colour, material of the said element or it is only true if we decorate these locations with shapes, colours of the respective element? 2. whether the sector base flying star is taken into consideration when we analyse the sector's mountain and water star if a cure is required. Thank you so much
  3. Thank You Master Lee for taking time from your busy schedule to help reply to clear my doubts. Really appreciate it and thanks for pointing out about Tai Sui and the windchime! Sorry to trouble you further:1. I read of another posting from your site http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=22268&new= , " sectors element is fixed for everyone as that is based on the direction. So North is like Water element. This means everyone's north is Water element." Can I just confirm that this is only true if we decorate the sector with these elements? or does it mean that sectors are already of the element base without the deco of that element?2. The strength of the star is a factor when considering if a cure is needed? eg. If I have 2 #7 weak metal star, eg #7m,#7w, and a base star of #3 strong wood, the 2 weak metal star will destroy the 1 strong wood. So, that means I only need to cure on #7 metal? 3. Is a) or b) correct: My SE(small wood) with 4m,1w and 6base, since both #4wood and #1 water are weak stars:a) the strong metal from base 6 will actually destroy some of the good #4 wood but is considered ok, since SE is itself small wood? ie. ONLY if my sector is already decorated in green/wood and water element? There is enough wood in the sector to neutralise the excess strong metal 6 base star. I may still need to add some metal to counter the #5 annual earth star for 2012b) the strong metal from base 6 will actually destroy some of the good #4 wood but is considered ok even though the wood deco in the sector is not considered. The excess strong metal 6 base star can counter the #5 annual earth star for 2012 without additional metal.4. If the said sector chi is coming solely from SE direction based on "how to determine which sector stars are more prevalent over the other star(s).... Reference: http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=30936&new=,which stars (natal or annual star) has the priority or greater influence,ie. based on 4m,1w and 6b, it is good sector, but if the annual star #5 has greater influence (eg. if I did not have sufficient cure in place), then it means I should not use the place too often.Once again, Thank You Very Much!
  4. Dear Master, My SE sector has a natal FS of 4M, 1W and base of 6. I would like to activate this location with a fountain but this mth and the 2012 annual FS is #5 yellow. Q1. If I place cure of metal wind chime and metal Hu Lu for this location, is it safe to go with the fountain? Q2. If yes, I am sorry I am not clear on your article http://www.geomancy.net/resources/art/arowanafish.htmunder Q2. By Oasis, does it mean that I should have a fountain with all 5 elements present or only 4 elements, omitting the element that is in affliction (ie. #5 yellow Earth). Q3. Is this place safe after the cure I mentioned above for my children to study,etc, taking into account that the House and their Kua are suitable for this place. Appreciate your help and Many thanks in advance
  5. Hi Master, I am sorry but I am new to Feng Shui. I started looking at Feng Shui after my husband lost quite a lot of money in business around Sep this year and things are not good for us. I found out that my house is N2 facing with double 7 and base star 3, period 7. I checked out on some of the related questions posted but my comprehension understanding is not too good. So I will appreciate if you can confirm 1. if I can still activate both these stars with water and mountain feature, because star 7 is considered inauspicious now in Period 8 and I also have a base and annual star of 3(bad star) at the entrance area also, unless you meant that my house period 7 luck will continue into period 8 without any major renovation to change my house to Period 8. 2. If I should not activate these no. 7 star but instead in need to place a cure, what cure should be placed here? 3. The North sector is also the Career sector and my husband is looking for a job since the loss in Sep, how can he improve his chances since I cannot have water feature at this location due to the affliction of annual and base star 3. How can I improve our wealth condition(I did not enjoy the wealth period of 7 because I was not aware of Feng shui to activate, etc) since I cannot activate the entrance mountain and water star or enhance the career sector. Appreciate your help and Thank you in advance
  6. Hi, I am sorry but I am new to this site, I have searched through the site but was not able to find something which matched my condition, so I do not know how to determine if my house period has been changed. Would really appreciate if anyone can help clarify my doubt. My house was built Period 7 (1995) . In around 2004, I had some hacking done in the kitchen to the sink support and replaced with new sink, then in2008, I changed my table top stove. From 2009 till now, I had some new painting done in living./dining and study room ( I converted my study room to dining room), repainted my house main door twice. Some sites said that changing the stove alone can change the house period. So, is my house now Period 8? Thank you in advance, SG
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