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Everything posted by myfs_154365

  1. Thank you very much for your advice. Because it seems I can't go wrong when choosing an English name b/c there is no absolute rule, I think I'm going with a name that means flower, green, or something to do with the wood element, which is my most favorable element (my second favorable element being earth). By the way, may I ask how you chose the name Cecil for your English name? Was there a process you used? Or did you just like the sound/meaning? This would help me narrow down my short list (Chloe - green shoot, Hayley - hay meadow, etc.) to a specific one. Thank you again and appreciate your help.
  2. Hi, I am a Chinese American female and have been living in the U.S. most of my life. I've always used my Chinese name in school, work, and all aspects of my life. I never liked my Chinese name because people would make fun of it, mispronounce it, forget it easily, or not bother to acknowledge me because my name is so different to remember/pronounce. However, it's been very hard for me to choose a Western/American name I feel comfortable with. My current Chinese name is Zhu (Pearl - ) Hua (Flower - ). My lucky element is wood and I've done a lot of research in regards to the letter I should begin my English name with (k, g, z according to certain websites), a name meaning wood/flower/spring, and the letters adding up to 5 or 6. Would you please let me know if this conclusion is correct? And would you please give me some advice on how to pick out a good American name? Thank you!
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