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Posts posted by myfs_150479

  1. Thanks a lot Cecil.
    The renovation is practically making the old house new. I hacked 2 main walls to move the rooms to the right, change the main door, move the toilets, replace all doors and windows, gate, new fence, jack up the roof to make ceiling higher but roof tiles remain, new floor tiles, new plaster ceiling, new wiring for the whole house. Will this change the period of the house or no?
    Also, is there any problem if I renovate the house during Chenbeng period? When is the auspicious date to renovate during this time?
    Personal guas for husband and wife are 2 earth and 7 metal.
    Thanks again.

    On 3/22/2012 8:40:20 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    These are some considerations:You wrote:
    "Since the renovation is more than 30%
    of the house, I'd consider it will be
    changed to Period 8 house?"One word says
    it all: " Fathope".For the other
    question, please refer to the attached,
    meter.... On 3/21/2012 11:08:25 PM,
    Anonymous wrote: >Hello CecilI bought
    an old >house facing E3 and plan to
    renovate it. Since the
    renovation is more than 30% of
    the house, I'd consider it >will
    be changed to Period 8
    house?Attached is the proposed
    floor plan. Please can you
    advise if you see any fengshui
    problems in the layout,
    particularly on the stove
    location and bedroom 2 sliding
    door?Many thanks in advance!
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