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  1. Hi Master, This is my 3rd time in the forum, Thanks to you Master for maintaininig this forum for public. I used to live ina WEST facing house and came up with a many health issues for my kids. So, after 8 years i was able to manage and move to a house, which is Excellent for my husband (Bread winner - SOUTH) of the house. Actually i followed your site before buying the house and made sure that 4 good directions are secured and enter the house without any obstracitons. However, NW - Death line touched the master bed room,NE - Destroy line crosses the Dining, W- Spook falls in the bathroom and SW - Irritation crosses the main entrance Garage. Can you suggest some cures for these rooms? I had big 3 feet FU DOGs, which i bought from the old house (WEST facing) to this SOUTH facing house. I read in one of your responses, that FU DOGS on South facing house will cause ill-ness. Where can these big FU DOGS can be placed ?Please let me know. Otherwise, if this will not go anywhere outside of the house - suggest me to sell or can i keep it inside the house? I had suffered a lot of traums in the old house (WEST facing)with kids (Sever Allergies)being sick.I came across this site while i was browsing and read through many times and decided to buy a new house to give a new life to our family. Now i dont want to have any discomfort in this new house (SOUTH Facing). i noticed lot of changes in our lives in this house, since i came across these FU DOGs Case study in your site, i would like to know which is the best place for the FU DOGs that i have? Please suggest, i will be waiting for your response. Thanks Haritha
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