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  1. Hello Master Lee, I am new to your site and I feeling a heavenly break is happening to find you.First I want to thank you for your kindness and opportunity to reach your wisdom and experience in this deep and profound science of Feng-shui. Ihave research on Feng-shui for years,but still some areas are confused to me.Of course it is clear to me by now that feng -shui is like the Universe always moving and always changing. My husband and I areboth in the Ba-zaiyear, Metal Rat,he is belong to the East life group (kua #4)and I am from the west life group (Kua#2).I am trying to balance this opposition(their is your help so much need it) bed position is seating East,main entrance facing West and stove is facing West(no way to change it). He have againsthim two main sectors with 2-5 flying star in the N(planning a water fountain in the garden here) SEplus a bathroom in the SE sector. I have missing part of the W and NE sectors.He is the main bread keeper. I am very concern with him for this factors, is any advise or suggestions you can help us with. I will deeply appreciate your help,thank you again Master Lee and a long life for you. Very happy to find you. Esmeralda treeoflife27@msn.com "Floor plan" floor planner cunningham 2.bmp - (2001KB) Preview of Floor plan
  2. Hello Master Lee, I am new to your site and I feeling a heavenly break is happening to find you.First I want to thank you for your kindness and opportunity to reach your wisdom and experience in this deep and profound science of Feng-shui. Ihave research on Feng-shui for years,but still some areas are confused to me.Of course it is clear to me by now that feng -shui is like the Universe always moving and always changing. My husband and I areboth in the Ba-zaiyear, Metal Rat,he is belong to the East life group (kua #4)and I am from the west life group (Kua#2).I am trying to balance this opposition(their is your help so much need it) bed position is seating East,main entrance facing West and stove is facing West(no way to change it). He have againsthim two main sectors with 2-5 flying star in the N(planning a water fountain in the garden here) SEplus a bathroom in the SE sector. I have missing part of the W and NE sectors.He is the main bread keeper. I am very concern with him for this factors, is any advise or suggestions you can help us with. I will deeply appreciate your help,thank you again Master Lee and a long life for you. Very happy to find you. Esmeralda treeoflife27@msn.com
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