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Skie Ferins

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Everything posted by Skie Ferins

  1. Hello, I am a trainee jeweller, who , if truth be told, is struggling to go forward with my skill learning. I love learning about all aspects of becoming a jeweller but I am finding that I am getting stuck by my lack of ability, which in turn, holds me back from improving. Is there a solution that I can put in place in my house or possibly in my workplace studiov? Thank you
  2. Hello, I have my eye on a resin wall hung fountain, where water pours out of a Lions mouth. If I hang it on the right side of my front door (Looking at it from the street/outside) will this be a prosperous placement ? The compass position will be SW. My concern ,is I've read the water must run towards the house but if the water pours out the Lions mouth, its flow will go towards the street then flow through the drainage back into the pump back up to the Lions mouth. Is this a favourable position ? Thank you
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