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  1. Dear Master, I am new to Feng Shui, so if my questions are obvious too many to you, sorry.. I am confused, need clarification. Though I already browsed around 1200 threads in your forum, I only came upon 2 threads that are similar to mine. I feel confused, hope for clarification on the rest of my following doubts. Here is my layout for reference. Please advise me the remedy if it is bad fengshui. main door area 1. ? Is it bad feng shui when there is a beam right above the main door 2. ? Is it bad feng shui if there are concealed shoes cabinet ('●') at both sides (one beside door entrance inside house, while another one is opposite the bomb shelter mirror door bedroom 3 3. ? Is it bad feng shui when the bedroom door faces open concept kitchen though there will be a dining table in between the bedroom and the open concept kitchen bedroom 2 4. ? Is it bad feng shui when the bedroom door faces partial common toilet door (bath/ wc 2) master bedroom 5. ? Is it bad feng shui if the master bedroom door is open to the left, 6. ? Is it bad feng shui if the master bedroom door is near (just a gap of 10cm away) to the master bedroom Toilet door ( T ) 7. ? Is it bad feng shui for the master bedroom door to open & rest on the wall shared by two toilets 8. ? Is it bad feng shui if the electronic item_mini fridge ( 'f' ) faces the bed head though a mounted small ledge is in between the bed and the electronic item_mini fridge ( 'f' ) Please advise.
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