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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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  1. Thank you for the information. After reading the details, can I email you?
  2. Apologies, I missed your email reply. Also apologies, I thought it would fit in as a service consultation but just not sure which type so sent email first to check what type of consultation for new plans and how do I initiate a consultation. Is it possible to do a consultation? Is the preference is to send a photo of above query here? I can do that. Thank you
  3. Hi Master Cecil Lee. I sent email photo and other items for service to support@geomancy.net Is this the correct email? Thanks
  4. Hi Master Lee Our home is on the right of the house at the end of the intersection so I assume we would get some sha chi when the car turns left onto our street. Do we need to do anything to block the sha chi or would the car slow down when turning into the street so they won’t be sha chi (no impact)? Thank you.
  5. Hi Master Lee What should I do if I have a tree (trunk about 30cm across diameter) about 8 mtrs / 26 feet away from front door, then there is another bigger tree (about 60cm across diameter) across the road so about 15 mtrs /49 feet away from front door? With tree trunks directly outside doors or windows, how big/wide of the trunk and how far to not impact us? Thank you
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