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Everything posted by myfs_39292

  1. Dear Cecil, Thanks for the detailed explation. You know what ? I have been using blue color as my primary color cos a few FS masters told me to use more blue color to enhance our missing water in my Ba Zi. I guess Green color should be my favourite color. Do you think I should stop having a fish tank at home and I should wear more green shirt and drive green car ? Kindly advise ! Thank you & have a nice day ! David ============================================ Topic: Confusing Elements ????? Plse advise ! (2 of 2), Read 74 times Conf: Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi /8 Characters Destiny) From: Cecil Lee Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 07:57 PM Dear David, In Ba Zi, the chief concern is on one's true element and strength. As this is determined from Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) in relation to the relationship of all other elements and the season in which you were born. Thus, even if there is zero water element in one's Ba Zi, water does not equate the life `threatening' senario where we must have water to survive. Water is like any other components such as fire. Thus, in a senario where one has zero fire, it does not mean that we need to "go near" fire. Or eat `fiery' food or food considered as Yang or too much fried food stuffs. Esentially, if you are considered as a "weak fire" person, then wood is considered the main ingredient for a weak fire person. Thus, wood e.g. green or brown can help a weak fire person `grow' stronger. Note: The Five Elements concept is about balance: Weak? Thus, if one is weak, one should try to strenghten it. Favourable elements are: wood and next favourable element is fire. It is more important to add wood to fire. While adding fire to fire is considered average. Url on 5 elements concept: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-5element.htm (The Productive cycle is used here) Once, one has wood to help fire, one can still have water e.g. blue. And one should not avoid it like the plague. Overall, it would then become a complete cycle if one uses all five elements. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Masters, I'm quite confused on the Elements...My date of birth is 11 Feb 69 (10.15am) and using the free report I found out that I'm a "weak fire" person. But I also realised that in my BA ZI there is no WATER and not sure if I need more water to enhance my luck ? If I wear blue shirt, blue car, paint my bedroom blue to enhance the water in my Bazi, isn't that going to further affect me as "weak fire" ? Cos water destroy fire ??? I'm not sure should I enhance fire or water....very confusing ! Kindly advise with great thanks !
  3. Hi, My DOB 11 Feb 69 (10.15am) and from the free report I 'm a "weak fire" person so how can I make my fire stronger ? Can I have fish aquarium/water fountain at home ? I was told by FS master that I'm a earth person and there is one fortune teller said that I need more "water". Who is right ? Kindly advise. Thanks David
  4. Hi , I'm born in 11 Feb 69 (Chinese calendar 25 Dec 1968) at 10.15am. I've advised by FS masters and read many books and have different answers regarding Ba Zi (weak fire, some say I need more water), kua no (2 ? 5? 8?) and even chinese horoscope (some say Monkey, some say Rooster). Lastly, will be be able to help me to analyse the my pillars of destiny ? Seem like my luck is not going to be good for quite a few years, is that how I should interpret it ? Your advise & helps is greatly appreciated. Thanks David Chua
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