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Everything posted by j.lau

  1. Thank you Master Cecil for the informative reply.
  2. Hi Master, Based on the floorplan below, seems like there are some issues that is not good for fengshui. Main door is 45 degree facing the window Does that mean loss of wealth? Does closing the main door help? Main door is directly facing neighbour's main door Does the mean it will get conflicts easily? Does closing the main door help? Bedroom 2 & Bedroom 3 are having odd corners (5 corners) Heard it is bad in feng shui but not sure what will happen and any remedy? Is the center of the house consider the toilet? Heard it is bad in feng shui but not sure what will happen and any remedy? Not sure if I miss out anything based on the floorplan? Also, may I know is it ok to place a mirror in the master bed room? Understand that mirror should not face the bed. If I place it without facing the bed, will that be ok? Thanks.
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