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Everything posted by cstan

  1. Hi Master, sorry for the late reply as need to wait for my new compass to arrive and can only go to my new house during the weekends. I stood at the A position to take a reading and it was off by about 20°, maybe due to the chair and table plus a dehumidifier at the green location. I stand further from the Windows and the reading was off about 6°. I stood at A in the bedroom and the reading was also about 6° off. I stand outside the door, looking in and it was off by a lot (forgot to take photo for this). Forgot to take the measurement when standing inside the door, looking outside (will do so this weekend and update). Based on the current info, the drawing I have is correctly mapped for the directions? Or it should be done using the lines that intercept at the centre of the house? Thanks, Tan
  2. Thanks, Master, for the advise. Would like to also seek your advise regarding how to read the direction in the house. Attached is the floorplan of my unit. Standing just outside the toilet (which is the centre), do I determine the direct as drawn in the image? Sorry, this direction thing just confuses me alot. Thanks, Tan
  3. Hi Master, Image as attached. The rectangle is the location of the shelf.
  4. Hi Master, Would like to get your advice regarding a shelf place (with shoes) outside my opposite neighbour door which I can see clearly when standing near my door when I am inside. Understand that the edge and shelves acts as poison arrows. Have spoken to him before and the previous items (long shoe rack and chairs) were removed. But a few weeks later, new surprises will appear (recently a bigger shelves that was removed and replaced by current shelf). Other than speaking to him again, what can I do to reduce the bad effects of the shelf. As I believe after speaking to him and having the current shelf removed, a week or few weeks later, more surprise will come along. A bagua mirror (concave or convex) or windchime? Or some plant? But plant would be difficult to be place outside my door to block the edge of the shelf without blocking my gate. Thanks, Tan
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