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Everything posted by myfs_73450

  1. I understand that feng shui can help to make a relationship better. But will it help to end one that isn't ment to be ?Iftwo people just arn't compatible. I have been struggling with an answer to this question for a while. Carrie
  2. I am desperate for help. In the last 6 months my life has turned to a nightmare. 6 months ago I fell off a ladder at work. Have been in pain since with my shoulder and the doctors can't seem to find a cause. MRI showed nothing. The IRS has filed a lien against me and now are wanting to meet me regarding taxes from the office I closed down 4 years ago. I work 50+ hours a week and can't get ahead. It's always one thing after another. I work as a resercher for a company that does foreclosures am I being paid back for this type of work. I dont' do the foreclosures just the research. I moved 18 months ago (purchased) into a doublewide on 3 beautiful acres. It has a hill in front of the house and a slight slope out back. Lots of trees to shield me from the neighbors. House faces North. I've lived here for almost 18 months and the problems have just started in the last 6 months. What am I doing wrong. My birthday is 7/29/1959 and my boyfriend who moved in 5 months ago is 8/1/1970. House has no odd angles. Front door faces due North and other door East. We built a 30x30 shop next to the house (East side) that is taller than the house but the problems started before that and have escalated. My boyfriend did put the dog's cage in front of the main entrance (which we don't use) so they can go in and out the doggie door during the day. Could that be the problem ? I have also moved my office into the NE corner of the house and right now it's a mess but Im in so much pain I can't get it cleanned up. Is there anything I can do ? I am desperate. oh by the way. My boyfriend has also started having back and shoulder problems in the past couple months. I look forward to any advise you can offer.
  3. The door opens toward the inside. There is a load bearing wall on the left as you enter and open room to the right. Door swings toward the open area Carrie
  4. Edited by Robert: Frankly, this may involve needing to review ie feng shui of your firm's office, ba zi etc before anyone can really properly advise you on how you can get out of your issue. As we are really busy as it is with many many such cases pending. I can only say at this point, is if you are willing to do some work on yourself and seek clarificationsfor areas you are not sure.I can provide you will some complimentary paid tools on our website to help you troubleshoot. If so please e-mail support@geomancy.net with a copy of this post and I will give you tools to assist you in troubleshooting. Only with some troubleshooting can you better know whether it is unsuitable career, or feng shui of your office or what is wrong. I own a small real estate firm and to be honest business has been horrible lately.I have been struggling financially to keep the doors open for well over 2 years and I'm tired. I can'tseem to attract agents to my firm. My office faces due West and is a yellow brick house which I converted to an office.I am a weak water pig. The office is located on a corner lot (not real busy street) with a church and parsonage directly across the side street. I thought about putting a bagua outside but it seems to totally freek out a lot of people. Plus someone would probably steal it. Would mirrored wind chimes help ? What would you suggest to encourage more agents to locate to my firm ? I cleaned and decluttered and have done everything I can think of but nothing helps and things are getting worse as time goes by. I sure hope you can help I'm getting desperate. It's affecting both my health and other relationships. I look forward to any and all advise you might have to offer. I bought all your books and hope something in them can help. Thank you in advance Carrie
  5. My office front door opens on the wrong side. Is this bad ? There is a load bearing wall on the side next to the opening. Carrie
  6. Can you tell me how to determine who is breadwinner in the event both husband and wife make equal money. Carrie
  7. What is the correct number of rods to have on wind chimes ? Thanks You
  8. I was just wondering which house has more effect on a person, personal residence or office. When you own both and spend equal time in both. I am the owner of my real estate company (office faces W) I am a Kan #1 person. In the last week I have had tremendous bad luck. I fell and ended up in the emergency room last week and this weekend my office was robbed. Then they tried to burn it down but luckily didn't succeed. My home is SE facing and I havn't had any bad luck so far. Knock on wood. I spend approx. 60 hours a week in my office. Do I need to try to fit both to me or what do I do ? Carrie
  9. This is the site view. Sorry the previous note wouldn't let me post 3 photo's
  10. Attached is a 3 drawings one of the upstairs, one of downstairs also showing my pond out back and the third is one I sent in before showing the general slope of the lot and how the house sits. Thanks you so much for taking a look at this. I know there is something wrong. I have tried several times to sell this house and can't seem to find a buyer. When I rent it they only last a few months before they move and I am forced to move back into the house. Again Thank You
  11. I have a SE (150 degree) facing house with a 1/2 finished basement. My question is how do I do a layout of my downstairs. Downstairs the SE, S and part of the SW sectors are unfinished dirt floor storage area's, they also include my furnace and waterheater. The W, NW, Center and part of the N are Bedrooms and bath's. The remaining part of the North sector is a outside storage room and the NE and E sectors is under my garage area (dirt filled) no access. My question when I calculate the sectors do I discount the unfinished part or include it. I am trying my best to make this house better since I have lived here for almost 18 years and been through 3 failed marriages and the death of a child. Thanks
  12. Can Feng Shui help to Sell a Vacant House ? If so what should be done. Carrie
  13. Would it help to move the pond to the front and then not use the downstairs at all ? I've had so much bad luck I will do anything. Do you know anyone who is experienced that could help me in Arkansas. I can't seem to find anyone who even knows anything about feng shui or should I just take your courses ad help myself. Carrie
  14. I have attached a sketch (sorry about the quality) is my lot and house showing the slope of the lot. Like I said the front and back are level with slope on both sides of my house.
  15. So you have a clearer understand of my house. The front side (street) is level with the main living area and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs in the finished basement is 2 bedrooms (one of them mine) and a bath. The front yard is level and the backyard is level with a good slope on each side. Just outside my bedroom door (downstairs) is my water garden. I have owned this house for 18 years now and and have tried to sell 3 times with no luck and I'm a Realtor Is there anyway to correct these problems ? Thanks
  16. I have several questions that I seem to be getting myself more and more confused over. My house faces SE - I am a Kan #1 (7/29/59 Female) This is unfavorable for my Relationships from what I understand. Since moving into this house 18 years ago I am on my 3rd failing marriage. Using the backdoor is out of the question because the house is a split level and access to the back is not possible because of the slope of the lot. Next I keep reading that ponds should be in front of the house. Mine is in back. Is this bad. I love my pond but don't need anymore bad luck. Finally, My bedroom is downstairs. Stairs go straight down then split to left and right to bedrooms. There are 3 doors in this room. Entering Room, Closet, and door to patio (by the pond). All of my best sleeping directions seem impossible because of a door. Sleeping SE put me facing the door to outside (this is where my bed currently is) The only place to put my bed is W which is my worst directions. What do I do to improve this. By the way I am the breadwinner in this house.
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