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Everything posted by myfs_78405

  1. Hi Cecil, To avoid mosquito's breeding in my fountain, I decided to rear some fishes. could you please advise what is the minimum number of fishes I should have though I heard that having 9 fishes is good for feng shui. Nevertheless, I do not wish to have many fishes. Your advise, pls. Thank you. Nina
  2. Hi Cecil, Could you please advise what is the feng shui explanation for views from balcony and room that are blocked by branches of trees as the house is on low floor. Thank you. Nina
  3. Dear Cecil, Thank you so much for your advise. I will be contacting you to do a feng shui for the new house once I confirmed one. Be the way, could you interpret this house number #12-1054 as the free report wizard did not give any interpretation. Rdgs. Nina
  4. Dear Cecil, Though usually we would think that the husband is the breadwinner, what if wife is also working and contributing equally towards the family, wouldn't the wife be considered as one of the breadwinners? In this house that we are interested, I think the facing of main door is a "death-sector" for me, what kind of impact would I receive if I move in? What should be done to overcome this "death-sector" if I really want to buy the house? Your precious advise, pls. Nina
  5. Dear Cecil, Thanks for your prompt reply. I understand that a NE person is not suitable living in a SE, whilst a SE house is alright for a south person. My question is can we just find one house that at least suitable for the main owner? Afterwhich, do some feng shui to be it suitable for the other family members. We are really intersted in this particular house but I think it is not suitable for me and my youngest daughter. Your advise, pls. Thank you. Nina
  6. Hi Cecil, I am interested in a HDB resale flat and the balcony faces an empty land and there is a small reservoir. I understand that the land with the reservoir belongs to the army and sometimes, there are aeroplanes landing at the place. Below the flat is a secondary school. This house is already 12 years old and the entrance of the house is SE facing and the balcony is NW facing. My husband is a South person and I am North East. Is this a good house for us? Thank you. Nina
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