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Everything posted by bdigmann

  1. I would rather not change the color. I like the dramatic effect it has on the room. So far I have done two things; I changed the painting above the mantel to one with boats on a lake with mainly blue tones and touches of yellow, and I put a plant that trails from the mantel to the floor in a blue pot. My money situation neutralized immediately. I was considering putting a mirror above the mantel and a piece of brass at the top of the opening to keep smoke from pouring into the room (a problem I've had in the past). These are strictly esthetic changes. I would like my money situation to improve even more. Any other suggestions?
  2. I have a fireplace in the southwest corner of my living room (the wealth and prosperity bagua of the room). It is made of light-colored brownish-red brick. I painted the mantel red about ten days ago and have lost all kinds of money every since then. What can I do?
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