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New! House Hunting made Easy!


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Dear Users,
We are pleased and excited to announce the latest additions to our series of online tools:-
A. House Hunting made Easy Report Wizard
This is based on our first edition of the Finding a Good House report. But it is greatly enhanced to provide you with a comprehensive tool to House Hunting.
1. A wizard like question and answer which leads you into generating the report
2. It comes in a Two/Three parts report system depending on your choice of selections.
- Haven't begun to look for a house?
- Already found a few houses you like?
Depending on which you select, appropriate analysis reports will be revealed to help you analyse suitable houses.
3. This system helps you determine the best house direction so that you can narrow down your search to only the best houses with a detailed recommendations and
4. It allows you to do a suitability analysis of the house and it's overall Flying Star analysis of the 9 sectors based on the house direction of your potential house, and gives you a final recommendation advice to whether you should purchase that house.
This gives you a chance to preview the Feng Shui of the House itself with a slightly less detailed analysis of the potential house. Plus suitability analysis and recommendations.
5. Finally, the current first launch will link to the Group Analysis Eight House to provide a summarized report for the entire family to the house. So that you know whether the house has suitable bedrooms for the rest of the family.
A more detailed an integrated report to help link the entire family to the House Hunting will be made available at a later date.
This report will be made available as a further extension to the Finding a Good House report and makes it easy for ANY ONE looking for a new home.
FREE version is also made available with a restriction to only 4 direction (North, South, East & West analysis).
B. Updates to Finding a Good House Report
We made a change to the direction of the houses eg. NW3 (330) to NW3 (322.5 - 337.4).
So that users will not be need to refer to any table to determine whethe 330 degree present what angle 330 reprsents.
Hope you enjoy the various changes.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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