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Mini fountain show-case in bedroom


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Dear Cecil/Robert,
I 've seen a beautiful mini fountain and wish to buy it and place it in a corner of my room, which I found out was the wealth sector.
I understand that a water element in the wealth sector can enhance one's prosperity. However, I've read that it is a 'no-no' to put a fountain in bedrooms.
As I've rented the bedroom only, how else can I enhance this section of my room ?
Yr advise much appreciated. Thank you.

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Dear Stephani,
Please see below:-
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 2:00 AM
Subject: Mini fountain show-case in bedroom

From: "Stephani Pinto"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Dear Cecil/Robert,
I 've seen a beautiful mini fountain and wish to buy it and place it in a
corner of my room, which I found out was the wealth sector.
I understand that a water element in the wealth sector can enhance one's
prosperity. However, I've read that it is a 'no-no' to put a fountain in

Yes, it is not advisable to place a fountain even if it is a mini one in the
bedroom because it generates Yang Qi or Yang energy. Normally a bedroom is
considered a place of rest or Yin environment and the fountain with the yang
energy it generates `conflicts' with it.
However, this " balance shifts " when it now becomes your only room. What is
meant here is that as you are renting only the bedroom, do you mean that all
your activities are spent here? i.e. Is your TV located here etc...
If this is your only room and in the day time, you use it for `day' activity
e.g. it now becomes " mini your living room ", then you can in the day time
turn on the mini fountain and in the later part of the day, turn it off e.g.
at 5.00 or 6.00pm.
If you are using the Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations or Eight
Associations concept of determining your wealth sector; please note that
this is a very general theory. Unlike even the Eight House Theory which
takes account of your personal Kua, the Eight Aspirations theory is
considered too general a theory.
However, fountains are considered a " sign of prosperity " it is considered
good having one in the `home'.
Therefore, in your case, where you are only renting a bedroom, you must
first determine what level of activity you have in your room. If the rented
room is merely a room for spent your evenings in, I would suggest that you
do not turn on the mini fountain at night.
Depending your life style e.g. if you are an outgoing person or would like
to brighten your room, you can create a `more yang' environment e.g. having
a hi-fi or tv in the room, place some colourful posters etc... Do strike a
balance as you still need rest and at certain times, the room need to feel
`yin' or a place of cosy rest.
Warmest Regards,

As I've rented the bedroom only, how else can I enhance this section of my
room ?
Yr advise much appreciated. Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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