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Bathrooms: Center,left,right,next the main door ?


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I try to buy a house but the bathrooms either located at the center line of the house ( one located on the left and the other located on the right side of the house) or one located next to the main door ( bathroom door cannot be seen by walking into the main entrance) and the main bathroom is located at the center line of the house to the left side.
Could you tell me which location of bathroom is better than the others.
thanks a lot

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Dear Linh,
Here are the following guidelines on the toilet:-
1. Ideal situations are where the toilet bowl should not be actually on the
following points:-
0 degrees - North, 45 degrees - NE, 90 degrees - East, 135
degrees - South East, 180 degrees - South, 225 degrees - South West, 270
degrees - West and 315 degrees - North West.
Most likely if the toilet bowl is at this location, chances are it will
be on one of the Eight Trigrams which can be either an auspicious or
inauspicious location.
What is the definition of toilet here:-
Ideally, this exact compass point should not be the location of the
toilet bowl or (sewerage pipe). It is still acceptable for a basin or
shower room.
2. Other locations that are not auspicious for a toilet:-
2.1 Centre-point of the house. If the toilet is at the centrepoint
of the house, your finances will continue to be drained.
2.2 Next to the main entrance either on the right or left.
2.3 If the toilet is on the second storey or (second level), it should
not be above the main entrance or any other rooms e.g. above the bed you
sleep on, the dining room, the living room or the kitchen.
If you follow the above `argument' it is best to locate the toilet away from
the above locations (where possible). Otherwise, you may have to close the
toilet door. This is not a fix but you really cannot do much if they happen
to be anywhere as mentioned above.
In the past, in ancient China, homes " avoided " the above situation by
having the toilet a distance away from the home. I guess, this cannot be
avoided for modern homes.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 9:52 PM
Subject: Bathrooms location at the center line of the house on the left and
right side orone located next the main door ?

From: "Linh Huynh"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
I try to buy a house but the bathrooms either located at the center line of
the house ( one located on the left and the other located on the right side
of the house) or one located next to the main door ( bathroom door cannot be
seen by walking into the main entrance) and the main bathroom is located at
the center line of the house to the left side.
Could you tell me which location of bathroom is better than the others.
thanks a lot

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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