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Kid's bedroom are their Spook & Irritation directions.


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Dear Cecil/Robert,
I am excited about your site.
Please advice me with my new apartment. The two bedrooms that could be allocated for our son are in Irritation and Spook directions for him. Is there a way to help this situation without changing the apartment? Are there any cures to help?
Sorry for my English. I'm from Ukraine.
Thanks a lot.

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Dear Irina,
Here are the following points to note:-
1. Ideally, the bedrooms should be one of the four auspicious directions
(Health, Prosperity, Excellent or Longevity). But it is still acceptable if
it is the Irritation or Spook directions. This is much better than the death
/ disaster location.
2. The following are useful guidelines when using the Eight House Theory:-
2.1 Where possible sleep closer to an auspicious intangible force (If this
is not possible, then you do not have much choice.)
2.2 Where possible sleep with the head facing one of the auspiciious
directions. But do bear in mind the Shapes and Form School
of Feng Shui. For example under the Four Symbolic Animals Concept
(reference: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/four.htm )
- Avoid sleeping with the bed against a window or directly facing
the bedroom door.
- Avoid sleeping below a beam or allow poision arrows e.g. sharp
corners of e.g. a study desk or a furniture aimed directly towards
any part of the bed.
2.3 The Eight House Theory is simply to find our good / bad locations and
it is not meant to be used to activate a location or finding a `cure' nor
used to enhance beneficial Qi.
3. Under the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui
I have mentioned that you should follow the guidelines of the Four
Symbolic Animals. For example, even in the interior of the home, there must
be a solid back e.g. for the bed and when we sleep we should not be
`exposed' directly to the bedroom door.
In addition, it is adviseable not to have the bed resting on the same
wall as the toilet or kitchen wall.
Do not display `war' toys e.g. cannons, warplanes, swords etc... in the
child's room. They should be kept in drawers. For girls, it is perfectly OK
to display teddy bears, soft toys etc...
4. Yin and Yang Concept.
As your child is growing, the bedroom can be more `Yang' than `Yin'.
Yin refers to a state of rest and quiet. For example, usually for working
adults, when we come home, one location where it should be more conducive
to rest or a state of Yin is the bedroom.
For the child, it is good to create a more Yang environment. This
includes e.g. more colourful bedsheets, walls can be more yang e.g instead
of using white walls, you can give it a `brighter' coat of paint.
Depending on the location a person live in, try to avoid giving children
`warm' rooms. For example, at the equator, we try to avoid giving the child
a room in the West wing of the house (especially if it exposed to the sun).
Such a room will be warm. Even at night, the walls still retain heat. If
the bed is placed here, remember to leave space between the wall and the
5. In traditional Feng Shui practise,
A Feng Shui Practioner will usually advise the family to paint the room
with `matching' element of the child and avoid a clash with the child's
eight characters or Ba Zhi. Here if the child is of the wood element,
ideally, the bedroom can be painted green to match his element. Avoid white
which will clash with his element. (In a very broad sense, the strength of
the child's element need not be considered here if you do not want to).
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 9:20 PM
Subject: Kid's bedroom

From: "Irina Key"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Dear Cecil/Robert,
I am excited about your site.
Please advice me with my new apartment. The two bedrooms that could be
allocated for our son are in Irritation and Spook directions for him. Is
there a way to help this situation without changing the apartment? Are there
any cures to help?
Sorry for my English. I'm from Ukraine.
Thanks a lot.
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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