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Main Door and East Group of persons


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I'm new in feng shui.Both husband & I are Eastern type & our baby is Western type. As we will be moving into a rented apartment in Tokyo soon, I'm desperate to know if there are any remedies and improvements(though paintings & modifications are impossible for rented place) to be done for the following condition:
1)Apartment is situated close to the lift(elevator). Infact, the floor layout shows that the wall of the bathroom are just next to the elevator.
2)The Main door of the apartment is at the extreme left when one faces the door. In other words, the facing & main door both at architectural though door is in different sector(according to the Flying Star Bagua)
3)The entrance faces directly to a hidden closet(behind it is our bedroom). Once entered, one have to turn right to the hallway. Along the hallway, the toilet & bathroom are on the right side.Walking straight , hallway will lead to kitchen while turning left, it lead to the dinning & living room. There is only one bedroom next (left side) to the living room
4) Please advise whether color of carpet & rug, Feng Shui products can help to improve the feng shui of our rented apartment (Building is newly built in 2002, all tenants will be moving in in Mar & April 2003)
As I'm poor in describing the floor plan, I have also faxed a copy of it for your better analysis.
Many Thanks & regards
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