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Need help in starting with FS at home


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I need some help in kick starting the FS at home, as I encounter some problems. ( please see attached, the layout plan)

1. Determining the main door.

I have 2 doors, 1 the main door, which I use to enter the house and the other a sliding door that leads to the the PES. The main door is kept close most time, where else the sliding door always open. I reckon this is where the chi and light is entering the house. In this case, which should I consider as my main door?

2. I cannot locate the centre of the house, as you can tell the build in area is not a regular shape. Thus I am not quite able to determine the facing of the door.

3. Given the missing corner, how do i divide the 9 sections to understand the flying star calulation?

Thank you very much in advance in helping me with these questions. Can't wait work out some good FS into the house. Laughing



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