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Lily pond location in front of the house?


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Hi, My house left front corner is missing because of the garage is built and extended on the front right side of the house assuming I stand outside facing the front door. So in order to fill up the missing corner I try to create a small water lily pond, but I have heard that there is something I need to consider for choosing the location of the pond located in front of the house.
Would you tell me where It should be . Is it good or bad Feng shui practice to have a water lily in front of the house ? Can I have a water fountain instead of water lily pond ?
Thanks a lot for your comments

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Dear Linh,
If you are installing a lily pond, you have to take note of the following:-
1. The pond must not be greater than 33.3 percent of the entire area of the

2. Generally or personally it is considered not that favourable for a weak fire person to own a pond or
fish tank.

2.1. As it was felt that this MAY greatly affect the person e.g. extinguish his weak fire element.

2.2. This will lead to severe problems e.g. health or intense competition at work.

2.3. Similarly, if one is a strong water person, this is equally bad as one has too much water and will lead to the person having difficulties in his life.

2.4. Fortunately, Feng Shui does not live in isolation or fixed to a particular individual or person.

2.5. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui always suggest the use of a "water position". 

2.6. Flying Star Feng Shui can also pin-point the location of a water position.

2.7. Some homes are like an unpolished gem.

2.8. And in some instances a water feature can enhance one's wealth luck. Irregardless of whether the person is say a weak fire element or not!

3. As you mentioned, a better suggestion would be to use a fountain
especially a rounded one without any pointed arrows. A fountain is said to
enhance beneficial Qi.
Preferably when you stand at the front door and facing outside the house; it
is best that the fountain is located on the left side rather than on the
right. The reason for not locating at the right is that it usually may lead
to one of the spouse being unfaithful or have wondering eyes i.e. having an
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Monday, August 09, 1999 8:33 PM
Subject: Lily pond location in front of the house?



From: "Linh Huynh"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Hi, My house left front corner is missing because of the garage is built
and extended on the front right side of the house assuming I stand outside
facing the front door. So in order to fill up the missing corner I try to
create a small water lily pond, but I have heard that there is something I
need to consider for choosing the location of the pond located in front of
the house.
Would you tell me where It should be . Is it good or bad Feng shui practice
to have a water lily in front of the house ? Can I have a water fountain
instead of water lily pond ?
Thanks a lot for your comments
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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