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Want to know about water dragon


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Dear Robert/Cecil,
I would like to know about water dragon . A geomancer whom I consulted has advised that the outlet drain of my house should be redirected to exit at the SE corner to the left of the compound and main door.
At present I have 2 outlets - one drain at the left side (EAST ) and the other at The right side (WEST ) looking out of the house from the main entrance . My Kua No.is 7 and my house faces SOUTH with main door at 171 degrees facing SOUTH . ( The sewer pipe is also on the right side ( WEST ) .
Please advise . I have read in one of Lillian's books that the direction of flow for a SOUTH facing house should be from Right to Left . To alter the drain & sewer outlet to LEFT side will involve a lot of expense and may cause problems later if the concealed
pipe should get blocked .
Thanks .

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Dear Dr Muthu,
I hope you understand that it is very difficult for me to comment on this as
one really needs to be physically present in order to make a sound comment.
There are many issues with regards to water positions such as how the inlet
drain flows through to the outlet. E.g. does it flow in a straight line, at
an angle or even whether it meanders inwards or outwards. How fast is the
movement of water. What is the degree of inclination, `slicing' movement
inwards or outwards etc. Especially if there are two water courses running
one on the East and West.
I do not want to comment on Lillian Too's assessment without consideration
on some of the factors as mentioned above.
As no house has the same movement of water, one must be physically at the
premises to give proper advise.
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee
----- Original Message -----
From: Listmanager
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 7:48 PM
Subject: water dragon

From: "Muthupalaniyappan Yegappan"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Dear Robert/Cecil,
I would like to know about water dragon . A geomancer whom I consulted has
advised that the outlet drain of my house should be redirected to exit at
the SE corner to the left of the compound and main door.
At present I have 2 outlets - one drain at the left side (EAST ) and the
other at The right side (WEST ) looking out of the house from the main
entrance . My Kua No.is 7 and my house faces SOUTH with main door at 171
degrees facing SOUTH . ( The sewer pipe is also on the right side ( WEST ) .
Please advise . I have read in one of Lillian's books that the direction
of flow for a SOUTH facing house should be from Right to Left . To alter the
drain & sewer outlet to LEFT side will involve a lot of expense and may
cause problems later if the concealed
pipe should get blocked .
Thanks .

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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