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Study desk


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Dear Master Lee
I just ordered a new study table for my daughter.
Now like to ask, can I put her study table facing the bedroom door so that she will sit with her back facing the windows and she facing the entrance of the bedroom.
Another alternative is the other way round, she faces the windows and back facing the bedroom door.
If both are no good, will have to shift wardrobes. Pls advise besides facing her good direction, which sitting position is good for her studies?
Her table is a modern tempered glass computer/writing desk with rounded corners so it will not have sharp edges pointing at her bed.
Thank you very much for your help.

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Dear Emily

I would suggest that you reposition the wardrobes. As back facing the window or back facing the bedroom door. It is an inauspicious as there is no support and backstabbing.

Another alternative is the other way round, she faces the windows and back facing the bedroom door.

If the location is in the West.She will get the sun directlyto her study table. It's an ideal to place the sitting support by the wall as it represent mountain (solid wall). Unless there is no alternative.

As the study table made of glass I believe Master Cecil/Master Robert Lee will replyto you.

With warmest regards

Sophia ChiaSmile

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Thank You Ms Sophia.
Master Lee reading, could you kindly confirm what Sophia said? Must my girl sits against the wall to get support?
I now put her study desk facing the bedroom door (her Prosperity). She sits against the window wall (ie. upper half of the wall are all windows, lower half is a wall). As her room is at true North sector, there is no afternoon sun.
Is this appropriate?
Pls help as I really wish my kid to have better concentration in her studies.
Thanks Very Much
free-advice Listmanager wrote:
From: Sophia Chia
Dear Emily
I would suggest that you reposition the wardrobes. As back facing the window or back facing the bedroom door. It is an inauspicious as there is no support and backstabbing.
Another alternative is the other way round, she faces the windows and back facing the bedroom door.
If the location is in the West. She will get the sun directly to her study table. It's an ideal to place the sitting support by the wall as it represent mountain (solid wall). Unless there is no alternative.
As the study table made of glass I believe Master Cecil/Master Robert Lee will reply to you.
With warmest regards
Sophia Chia
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