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Making the right decision to purchase a home

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Dear Rochi,
1. If you want a `Quantum Leap' in finding a good home, it is not just about one issue i.e. the main door.
2. One should not be narrowly focused just on the location of the main door if all else are "so, so " or inauspicious.
3. I mentioned in some forum messages that we must maximise the `score' of the home.
For example, I given an example about Examinations.
Image that an examination paper consists of 4 sections and each section is compulsory.
Here, it is ideal to maximise your marks in all sections. It is no point scoring high marks in Section 1 and failing Section 2 questions.
4. I hope you can see my point that one should not concentrate totally on just one consideration and `forgoing everything else'.
5. Ideally, a good home should have:
5.1. Good Shapes and Form.
Such as no missing corners. Avoid water position behind the house etc..
Here, even if a house has good shapes and form, one should also look out for poison arrows to neutralise them.
5.2. How suitable are you to your home?
Here, you can use the Eight House theory to look thru the home. Particularly, the intangible force affecting the breadwinner at the main entrance. Also look at the intangible force in locations where, one spends the most time.
5.3. How good is the birth chart of the house. Analysing using the Flying star and others.
6. Thus, we have to look at the whole picture and not just the main door. Ideally, find a home that is `auspicious' at the main door. It would be nice also if the garage door can also be at a good sector.
Usually, some have bought a home and wanted to change their main door. They then look at which door is more favourable by analying both the main door and garage door.
Since, you are starting out in finding a good house, try to find one where the actual main door is `auspicious' (first).
Even if you use the garage door, if you do it right, the first time, usually, the door that has the number of your house can be considered the main entrance door.
Warmest Regards,

On 7/12/00 8:39:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Please Help!
I am getting ready to purchase
a home and I want to make the
right decision. I have heard
you can tell the fortune of
your home by the way in which
your main door faces. Is the
main door the main door or the
one I will always enter the
home through which would be
the garage or is it the garage
door itself that I would be
driving into. Please help it
seems that eveyone says
something different? If I
habitually enter my home
through the garage door into
the home is it that my main
door or the garage I drive
into, or the main door outside
the home which I don't use
often? My birthstar is 2 I
need to know what to be
looking for? Can someone help
me please! I need to know
fast!THANK YOU:)

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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