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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/16 in Posts

  1. Commonwealth Towers and Stacks #09, #10, #20 & #21 These stacks face an auspicious Flying star direction of SE3. SE 3 facing has the water wealth star at it's frontage. Thus stacks #09 and #21 definitely meets the criteria. But with a caution: "white pollution" or especially for #09 even if it is inner stack (stack #10 being the closest to the MRT tracks) there will still be noise coming from the tracks during MRT operational hours. But I suppose, many would want to get the highest possible units. If so, then the above may not be of an issue. #10 also faces the pool as it is quite a distance away. But still meets the above SE3 facing criteria of water at it's frontage. Stack #20 especially higher storeys like 4th storey and above faces "virtual water" or yin water. Not real but better than nothing... "type of water" aka skyjuice. For a SE3 facing, however, the rest of the stars in other sectors are inauspicious. And may need to be disarmed especially in locations such as living / dining / bedrooms. These four stacks #09, #10, #20 & #21 does meet another criteria for SE3 facing a really good mountain support. In the form of the huge central core housing the lifts / staircase etc... If one is a non-lover of afternoon sun.. then stack #10 may have partial afternoon sun.. but the trade-off is that if one hangs clothes.. these dry pretty fast .. on sunny days!
    1 point
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