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Posts posted by myfs_146081

  1. sir,?
    We have a strange situation of kitchen in front of toilet. Some of my family members dont believe in keeping the toilet door closed all the times. Would hanging a windchime between them a good enough solution??. I can also hang a big boxing bag if that can be an effective solution.

  2. sir,
    I have read at many places that one should not hang pictures of water bodies or trees in bedroom. But that leaves very little options for paintings in the bedroom. Can you please suggest some ideas about what type of images can be used in bedroom. Is a picture of desert inauspicious in any way? or a picture of an animal?

  3. Sir,
    ?Laughing buddha is available in various colors and stance. Which one is most ideal. Most of them are available in golden color and there are so mancy stances. Which stance should I buy or should one keep all of them . Also please tell me about the color as well. There is green, golden, brown, all kind.?

  4. sir,
    There is a bit of confusion about the fix the leak concept. Does it just means to fix the broken things and complete the incomplete jobs or is it more complicated. Do we need a master to evaluate the leaks or one can do it himself.

  5. Thanks for the reply sir.
    You have ?given a wonderful explanation for mirrors. But ?can mirrors also be used as water element cure? You have also talked about water paintings. Will the painting of a waterfall be a sufficient water element cure. Since the ?painting also has a mountain and hence earth element comes into play. So a painting of ?a waterfall ?is of the earth element or water??

    On 9/23/2010 8:13:01 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    These are some of the
    considerations:-ABOUT DECORATIVE MIRROR
    DOOR1. A mirror or mirrors:?In Feng
    Shui mirror or mirrors can be used to
    either to absorb or reflect.1.1. Under
    absorb:? it can face an aupicious
    direction and/or face a good view to
    help further "absorb" or capture a good
    external view. 1.1.1 If placed properly,
    often, it can help to "move" qi e.g. at
    a certain location to move the qi
    along.1.1.2 In Feng Shui, it is best not
    to install a mirror if it faces an
    inauspicious direction.1.2? Like
    it's cousin the convex mirror, it can be
    used to reflect away things like a lamp
    post or poison arrow. In such a
    situation, the mirror must be placed
    facing outwards of the home, never
    placed inside the home. Often the mirror
    is circular and placed above a
    Water element can also be represented by
    "yin" water or painting e.g. a wall in
    blue or grey tones.3. A glass vase on
    it's own e.g. hollow is not the best
    candidate to be used as a water element.
    On 9/22/2010 10:59:25 PM, rohan jolly
    wrote: >sir,Can glass vases be used
    as >water element cures. Also can
    a mirror be considered a water
    element cure. Please tell me >how
    to introduce water element >except
    using fountains.Thanks

  6. sir,?
    Can we say all homes made of brick, sand and stone are predominantly earth element house?. And if the whole flooring is of white marble, then it makes the earth element more stronger.?
    Using clay pots as decoration pieces would furthur intensify the earth element??

  7. thanks for the comprehensive reply sir.

    On 9/19/2010 12:50:23 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Sir,A lot has been written on
    the importance of front gate
    and front door. But not much
    on the back gate and door. I
    want to know how the back gate
    affects the feng shui of the
    house. Our back gate is not
    easy to locate as well as a
    bit torn. Does it creates bad
    feng shui.?Thanks

  8. Yes, sir it ?is an external factor. My question was fundamental as well as in what should the main door ?ideally face if not a door or even a wall. So that I dont make the same mistake while making a new house.
    Also ?in the present scenario I ?can make a window or ?a door in the wall, that would also open up the space, but ?then the back windows would be ?visible from the front door.

    On 9/6/2010 3:18:47 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Please check back to the most recent
    forum message on a similar
    topic.>>The wall >is at a
    distance of 15 feet >and in between
    is the living >room. Is that good or
    an >obstruction for qi.If you are
    asking this question, it is already "no
    good". Furthermore, this is external
    factor thus, out-of one's control. If
    so, no need to talk already. Really,
    what help do you need?It is the same
    senario as a recent posting saying that
    coins were not placed below the floor
    prior to laying the floor tiles. And the
    question is what else can I do? I should
    instead ask back : what can you do?
    Erh... re-do the tiles? Today, can we
    reverse time? Yes/No? Even if one were
    to ask GOD, please revise time. He will
    say: HOW TO? Even god cannot reverse
    such things!On 9/6/2010 2:21:53 PM,
    rohan jolly wrote: >Sir,It is
    commonly said that >there should not
    be a window >or a door right across
    the >main door as qi will escape
    too fast. But then there would
    be a wall. My house has a >blank
    wall the moment you >enter the front
    door. The wall >is at a distance of
    15 feet >and in between is the living
    room. Is that good or an
    obstruction for qi. Please

  9. Sir,
    It is commonly said that there should not be a window or a door right across the main door as qi will escape too fast. But then there would be a wall. My house has a blank wall the moment you enter the front door. The wall is at a distance of 15 feet and in between is the living room.
    Is that good or an obstruction for qi. Please help

  10. sir,
    In Indian homes , it is very common to hang a dangerous face like portrait at the front of the house. Astrologers here say that it will protect the house from evil eye, especially the newly constructed ones. It is basically a face of a dangerous man with his tongue out to scare away evil eye.
    Do you believe this to be an evil eye protector, or will this discourage good qi from entering the house?. Like in feng shui we hang a mirror on the face of the house to deflect bad energy. Why does it deflect only bad energy and not good energy ?
    Thanks for your time.

  11. Thanks a lot for the comprehensive reply sir.

    On 9/4/2010 7:05:54 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Frankly there are more important
    considerations in Feng Shui than the
    fittings in a home or office.For
    example, if one talks about strong
    metal; as glass or tempered glass and or
    bullet proof glass is equally as solid;
    it is also considered as a "metal
    element".And nowadays, many buildings /
    shop fronts even many condominiums e.g.
    in Singapore : The Quartz and Varsity
    Park have quite alot of such glass. So
    do we so actively say that these
    buildings have strong metal.Feng Shui is
    about the big picture and not how many
    brass door FITTINGs one has on a WOODEN
    door.If you want to talk about metal
    fittings; there are many buildings even
    in Singapore and the newly TOP landed
    property homes around Sembawang that not
    only has so brass fittings but
    literally, the doors are made of solid
    metal. And, all new generation Singapore
    Government flats have a household
    shelter aka bomb shelter.In Feng Shui,
    when we do a site review; we ain't gona
    count how many fantastic brass fittings
    in that home. These things are
    peanuts.This is not Feng Shui, but if
    one has brass fittings; of course, it is
    best to maintain it. But rust free?
    Frankly, this is the first time that I
    heard brass fittings can get rusty. Real
    quality brass may oxidise but not rust.
    Feng Shui is about the big picture and
    not about "peanuts".In some improvement
    courses: users are asked to THINK BIG,
    not think peanuts. For example, we don't
    go around counting how many brass toilet
    fittings in our home even if we have 10
    toilets. On 9/4/2010 4:03:05 PM, rohan
    jolly wrote: >Sir,?I want to
    know if golden >brass door fittings
    can be >classified as strong metal
    element. My house has around >15
    doors and all of them have >lots of
    golden brass door >fittings. So
    should I classify >them as metal
    energy. And is >it really important
    to keep >them rust free.?Thanks

  12. Thanks for the reply sir. What I wanted to ask was that is wooden furniture part of wood element as some say that ?it is not alive and ?hence not good to be considered as wood element. They claim only plants or green color can be used as a wood element.
    Thank you.

    On 9/2/2010 3:17:43 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    These are some considerations:-1. In the
    past, especially in the 1970's to 1980's
    where many geomancers practise using the
    following tools:-1.1 Basic to Advanced
    Ba zi1.2 Basic concepts to Advanced Five
    Elements concept2. During those donkeys
    years (1970-1980's) and unfortunately,
    some still practice this kind of Feng
    Shui;2.1 Such practitioners are too
    simplistic: thus if say one leaks wood
    element; then as what you had mentioned
    below; some of these geomancers would
    give advice such as what you had
    mentioned.3. Today, many of us
    understand and read widely about things
    like Flying Star Feng Shui. In the
    flying star concept; just because one
    needs wood element; does not mean that
    the entire home needs "wood energy" or
    element.4. Look at it from another
    way:4.1 Even in the US, majority of
    homes were constructed with mostly wood:
    Wooden frame structure, wooden or
    plywood panels etc... 4.2 So that it
    mean that if one is say a Strong fire or
    strong wood person, should not live in a
    home with everything wood or the so
    called wood energy!5. How about a home
    that is made of bricks or concrete or
    reinforced steel cum concrete? Does the
    same logic imply that if one is a strong
    earth person; living in a fully concrete
    home is bad due to the so called "earth
    (concrete) energy".On 9/2/2010 2:19:15
    PM, rohan jolly wrote: >Does wooden
    furniture possess >strong wood
    energy. All the >furniture in my
    house is of >wood. Does that mean I
    have >sufficient wood energy and
    dont need to grow plants in my
    house.?Thanks for helping.

  13. Thank you sir. Yes the trees have branches and they block the view ?of windows. ?What would you suggest. Should we cut down the trees.
    ?Also I want to ask you another question. ?Does all the brass door fittings contribute to the metal energy of the house. ?I was thinking since there are ?so many doors and windows and all have golden brass fittings. Doesnt this makes the metal energy of the house too strong. Since the color is also golden .
    Ceilings are white in color. Flooring is of white marble. Though marble would be earth energy but it is white so metal as well. Can you please tell whether the energy in my house is too ?much metal. Thanks for helping us sir.

    On 8/20/2010 9:52:13 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    These are some of the
    1. The main concern is that of
    a tree trunk slicing towards a
    window or an opening e.g.
    balcony sliding door or any
    other opening in a home. It is
    akin to a butter knife (the
    trunk) slicing towards the
    home creating a sha-qi or
    poison arrow.
    2. If there are lots of
    branches, then if it blocks
    the view; this is not the same
    as Para 1; but again; if it
    facing an unblocked view ...
    "what a waste!"
    3. In the past, in Singapore
    around the 1960's to 1970's
    where many landed properties
    were pretty large e.g. at
    least 5,000 sq feet to 10,000
    sq feet; planting one or
    several mango trees are of no
    3.1. Today, if one stands
    below a matured mango tree; it
    is often dark below the tree
    as sunlight cannot penetrate.
    Thus, naturally, not ideal
    condition especially without
    some natural sunlight all the
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