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Everything posted by myfs_150058

  1. Would the placement of the toilets in this floor plan be considered inauspicious? I have read that the toilet should not be in the middle of the house/apartment, and I can't tell if this would be considered to be in the middle? And if so, what are my options of making it auspicious?
  2. Hi, I found an apartment number 1254 and the building complex was built in 2000. According to the computerized feng shui flying star house number, it is not good. Would you recommend me not picking this unit based on this? If I do pick it, how can I remedy the brain, stomach illness that it predicts? Thanks
  3. Hi, I thought the number 3 and 6 were good number to have for house numbers, but according to the program, those numers are bad if the complex was built in th year 1998. I also thought the number 8 was good, but it says it will bring disaster if the complex was built after 2004. Am I understanding the Flying Star House Number correctly. If not, can you help me interpret it properly? Thank you, Thea
  4. Thank you for your quick reply. It was very helpful. I can't change the door placement in the apartment but I can shut the door when not using it if I choose this floorplan. 1. Can you tell me what it means from a feng shui apartment to have this type of floor plan, ie why we should close thebathroom door and what would happen if you don't.I'm concerned, but I don't want to be paranoid. 2. Also, I read that having a bathroom in the middle of the house is very bad. Would the bathroom in this floor plan be considered in the middle of the floor plan? Thanks for your advise. TT
  5. Hi, The apartment that I'm interested has a bathroom with the mirror in direct line with the front door. The bathroom is also between the master bedroom (with bath) and a guest bedroom. Can you tell me if this is bad feng shui. If so, is there a remedy for it? Below is the link to the floorplan: http://www.sonterraaustin.com/floorplan2.asp?plan=B2I Thanks, TT
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