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Robert Lee

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  1. 1. If the year is not in your favor, it could pose significant challenges, especially if it further weakens your weak wood element. 2. The severity of the situation depends on the presence and number of clashes or harms, potentially impacting areas such as wealth, career, and health etc (what problems you will face depends on the indicators found in that year). 3. The negative impact also depends on the occurrence of major clashes or harms in the 10-yearly big luck and minor clashes or harms in the yearly small luck, intensifying any issues present. Especially, if both major and minor clash/harm are present. 4. It is impossible to predict the problems you may encounter in the year without further review of your yearly luck forecast. 5. For example, in the demo link provided below: https://www.geomancy.net/demoreports/bazi_v16_demo/bazi_demo_bazi_expert_review.html 5.1. Under the luck period 7 (2018-2027), a major punishment in the year could indicate potential problems in that entire 10-year range, potentially impacting relationships and wealth. 5.2. In the year 2022, with 2 clashes and 1 punishment predicted, financial challenges and career changes may be affected. 5.3. In the year 2027, with 1 clash, 1 harm, and 1 punishment predicted, there could be implications for your career or health. 6. The examples above clearly demonstrate that the severity of the situation is determined by the number of clashes or harms identified and the specific areas they impact, as indicated by your luck forecast. 7. To overcome these challenges, it is probable that your main element, wood, is weakened. Therefore, it is recommended to integrate more water and wood elements into various aspects of your life, such as colors, shapes, career decisions, social circle, and home environment. 8. To determine which elements you lack or have in excess, it is important to assess the balance of the five elements and make adjustments accordingly. Striving for a balanced state of each of your five elements, closer to the ideal value of 20%, can significantly enhance your overall luck. The more balanced your five elements are, the more auspicious your years will be, and the less problematic your inauspicious years will be. 9. You can utilize our free ba zi report to analyze your upcoming 2024 year for any clash/harms and potential issues to be cautious of during that time. Although it is not intended to be an exhaustive assessment as our full ba zi premium sample report above, it will provide you with a preview of what to watch out for in the upcoming year. You will know if whether it is a bad/very bad year, whether there are clashes/harm and any major issues it may affect (if any are found). URL: https://freebazi.geomancy.net In Conclusion " The severity of challenges faced in a year is determined by the presence and number of clashes or harms, impacting various aspects of life like wealth, career, and health. To mitigate these challenges, it is crucial to strengthen your weak element, wood, by incorporating more water and wood elements into different areas of your life. Additionally, maintaining a balanced state of the five elements can enhance overall luck and reduce potential issues in inauspicious years. Utilizing tools like the free ba zi report can help identify clashes/harms and prepare for any upcoming challenges in the year ahead. " - Master Robert Lee, Geomancy.net
  2. By default, weak element person, will need to strengthen their weak element first, before they can take advantage of their wealth element. Otherwise, you are more likely to lose wealth as you are not strong enough to control it. Hence, for weak person, the wealth element is by default unfavourable element as compared to a strong person. I think you are confusing the two wealth element. 1) The element you destroy based on your five elements is considered your wealth element. ie a weak/strong wood person, the wealth element is earth element. This wealth element comes in as additional wealth opportunities when you encounter it in the 10-yearly/year etc. For strong element person, there will usually be an additioanal 3 x 10 yearly favourable big luck with wealth opportunities. For the weak element person, there will be such wealth but it is by default unfavourable until you become strong enough to control it. 2) The ten deities, is another indicator based on the Heavenly Stem and Earth Branches (and hidden Earthly Branches). They are represented by the ten deities in your chart, which there is an Earned Wealth (Zheng Cai) and Unexpected wealth (Pian Cai). These will form the total wealth elements you have in your chart, and/or wealth/unexpected wealth indicators in the yearly/monthly/daily forecast, which indicates if there is additional weatlh or unexpected wealth in that year or not. In most cases, when we talk about wealth element, we usually focus on the ten deities, as that gives you the total number of earned and unexpected wealth. Whereas, the wealth element is just whether a luck period may bring additional wealth opporunities or not and is dependent on whether how weak or strong you are. So they are quite different indicators even though both represent wealth. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  3. 1. I assume that your ba zi is as follows based on a female chart, since your username is ashley:- Female - 17 Oct 2001 at 5.00 p.m. to 6.59 p.m. Lunar Calendar: 2001, 9th month, 1 day, URL: https://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-fs-self-free.php?pay=0&tpl=chart_true_element&username=&gender=2&day=17&month=10&year=2001&hour=10 2. You are a weak Water, because total favourable elements (that make you strong) Water+Metal+Wood is 23.5% which is less than Total Unfavourable Elements (that make you weak) Earth+Fire+Wood 76.5%, which you can see below:- Hence, you can check the free ba zi report link above for your favourable element which should be Metal and Water. 3. In general, you need to consider the seasons of birth impact for each of the five elements, the clash/harms, the combinations/joins which can form new elements etc. Only when you considered all the above in details, will you be able to determine the true birth element. 4. In addition, if you checked your House of Life and House of Conception, there are actually 4 more Earth elements in those pillars. So your chart is heavy on Earth element which is one of the key element that is making your chart weak. Which you can see below in the Full Ba Zi Reference Chart that is included in our ba zi premium so that users can see how their ba zi chart is calculated in detail. 5. In the above chart, you can also see the Water element in your day (Heavenly Stem Gui) joins with the month (Heavenly Stem wu), and forms a new element Fire. So even your original Water element is loss due to the impact of the joins/combinations which often changes your final elements. Which is why end up in your final five elements, you end up with 1 Metal, 0 Water, 0 Wood, 3 Fire and 4 Earth. 6. Hence, in your case is a weak Water, as there even just one of your unfavourable element Earth element (58.8%) is already more than the Water (0%) and Metal (23.5%) added together. So your ba zi day element Water can be Strong or balanced. It is far from that. I would consider it a very weak water, since the total element that make you strong (23.5%) about 1/3 of the total elements that make you weak (76.5%). 7. Our free ba zi calculates the ba zi with the same detail as the ba zi premium reports, just that it doesn't show you all the details in the calculation. It just provides you with the information to make use of the report such as which are your favourable elements and unfavourable elements etc. As it is meant for anyone to be able to use it together with many of our other free reports. 8. The reason we don't show the full details in the free report, is we often find that when we provide more raw info, what we end up getting is people frequently just cutting and pasting our free port and posting into the forum to ask us to explain or interpret the chart, which totally defeats the purpose and is a waste of our time. As doing a detailed review of a chart takes time to read and interpret it. Our time can be better used to help users like advise them how to improve stuff which is why we provided like what are your favourable elements so that you can use it to enhance your luck if you follow our reports. All our free reports ba zi, eight house, auspicious dates are tools meant for everyone to freely use to improve your luck. Hope that helps.
  4. Dear Lim Meng Teck, 1. Honestly, our ba zi system has been extensively tested, so there is currently no known bug in the system. As long as the date and time of birth and lunar calendar conversion dates are 100% correct, then there shouldn't be any issue with our free report. As it will produce the exact same results as our our paid reports (except without the details). In this case, I checked the dates and they are correct. 2. Based on your date and time of birth Male -18 Jul 1990 at unknown timing, the true birth element is generally Strong Wood element. 3. Yes, no doubt that Wood element is weak, but whether or not your final true element is a weak wood or a strong wood depends on the overall five element percentage. And you need to considering the impact of the clash, joints and combinations that may form new elements within your chart. Even whether you consider the two additional hidden House of LIfe and House of Conception pillars which are equally important pillars that can affect the final five element percentage. 3.1. So in your case, elements the Total Favourable Elements (that make you strong) Wood (15.0%) + Water (20.0%) + Fire (50.0%) = 85.0%. 3.2. Whereas the Total Unfavourable Elements (that make you weak) Metal (15.0%) + Earth (0.0%) + Fire (50.0%) = 65%. 3.3. The Fire element cancel itself out in the equation as Fire destroy the Metal that makes you strong which strengthen you, but at the same time Fire also exhaust your Wood making you weaker. 3.4. In either case, the Total Favourable element (that make you strong) 85% > Total Unfavourable Elements (that make you weak) 65%. Therefore, it is clear that this chart is a Strong Wood and not a weak Wood. Without considering all these factors and doing a detailed breakdown, you can easily get your true element wrong. 4. Even if you look at the caesarian date report for Male ba zi chart born on 18 Jul 1990 that calculates the different birth elements and percentage from the various hours of birth, as shown in this screenshot:- You will also noticed that most hours are Strong Wood, except for 4 hour ranges such as (1am-2.59am / 9am-10.59am / 3pm-4.59pm / 7pm-8.59pm), in which the five element percentage will make those hours weak Wood instead of a Strong Wood. 5. So it is important to really be able to calculate the ba zi chart in detail, in order to be able to properly deduce the True Birth Element. Otherwise, you will get the balance of five elements incorrect, which in most cases if you just based on what you see on the initial Heaven Stem or Earth Branch elements, many will most likely just deduce it as weak Wood. This is a very common and frequent mistake made by many people. 6. So in conclusion, there is really no bug in our system, as it has been extensively tested. Our reports are designed to allow anyone to properly use and troubleshoot issues in their life. So getting this basic information correct such as whether you are a weak or strong person is very important. 7. Only difference in the free report is, we do not provide the details explaining how we derive the result. From our past experience, the more raw information we provide. All we end up with, is more people just cutting and pasting our entire free report chart and asking us to interpret the results for them. So we only put up what we know are the essential useful information where you can apply them for use with our daily forecast, free auspicious dates reports and so forth. Often, these are essential for people to troubleshoot stuff. So we made them as freely available and as useful for people to use them as needed. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  5. You can check what is your favourable element from our free report:- https://freebazi.geomancy.net/ But generally, weak fire would mean you either lack Wood/Fire (or depending how your five element percentage is, you may lack more wood or more fire or need both just as much depending on how close that percentage is to the ideal 20% range. This depends on whether you are looking at the job industry or job scope and how you define them as what elements. From job industry Perfumes is Metal (smell), while Beauty (cosmetic) is Earth element job industry. So it is likely a mixed of Earth+Metal element. Logistics often is either storage and/or distribution/transport handling. Which the storage portion is a bit earth as it needs warehouse space, but distribution/transport handling is more Wood primary. So Wood+Earth, but often the distribution and transport of the logistic is what often defines logsitics rather while storage is just part of the process in order to organize and distribute it. So primarily Wood element is often the default element. Forecasting/Budgeting where forecasting is like prediction which is Water, but budgeting is planning which is Wood element. So primarily Wood maybe some Water element. Since your job scope is primarily dealing with forecasting/budgeting than it is Wood, probably containing some Water and Earth depending on whether you do more forecasting and/or more logistic storage. Often, a job scope is not so straight forward nowadays with one single element, so it can be a mixed of elements. For Feng Shui, please seek professional help/service.
  6. 1. There is really no discrepancy on our reports. That difference is the Lunar/Seasonal Calendar differences. You can read more about the many reasons why we adopted the Lunar Calendar version from this link:- URL: https://bazifaq.geomancy.net So for us, we actually show the default chart in Full Lunar Calendar format along with the Sesonal Calendar. A lot of other sites usually is using mixed Lunar-Seasonal where they replace the month with the Seasonal month. However, they continue to show the day and year in Lunar format. By right, the correct way is either full Lunar Calendar or Full Seasonal Calendar. But because if the seasonal year is considered, then you will have an issue where for those born near in the New Year having 2 different horoscopes (ie Rat-Ox). Anyway, you can read more in the above link. 2. As you didn't really specify the gender, I can't tell whether the dob 7 Jul 1985 2007hrs, is for a male or female. Here would be your free ba zi reports:- 2.1. Male - 7 Jul 1985 2007hrs. https://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-fs-self-free.php?pay=0&tpl=chart_true_element&username=&gender=1&day=7&month=07&year=1985&hour=11 2.2. Female - 7 Jul 1985 2007hrs. https://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-fs-self-free.php?pay=0&tpl=chart_true_element&username=&gender=1&day=7&month=07&year=1985&hour=11 3. In any case, the base ba zi chart shouldn't change, but the other like Gua number will be different depending on whether it is Male or Female chart. In any case, you can see at the start of the report, our ba zi report actually shows you both Lunar and Seasonal Calendar. If there are difference, you will see either in the Month and Year pillar (if you are born near the start of the Chinese New Year), as per the screen capture that I included above. Depending which calendar Lunar Calendar or Seasonal Calendar you the info above differ. In any case, as lot of other concepts generally use Lunar Calendar, particularly Chinese Horoscope / Astrology, it is better to make sure that a consistent calendar system is used. Otherwise, for some people born in the beginning of the year, you will have one calendar format tell you a Rat and another a Ox. You can't possible be both at the same time, as the compatible/incompatible horoscopes are totally different. So since a lot of analysis still based on Lunar Calendar, often Lunar Calendar comes a little later, but once that date passes, both horoscope will match up already. So there will be less confusion. 4. As for why there is a difference in the true birth element (ie weak Fire or Strong Fire) . This depends really on how detailed is the analysis that was done to determine your true birth element. In our report, we not only have the 4 main pillars, there are also additional House of Life and House of Conception included. Many other ba zi calculators don't even have those additional important info assessed. In order to properly detect if you are a weak/strong, you need to consider all those, including the clash/harm and even sometimes some elements combines and form a new elements. Without all these done properly, often it is easy to get the true element incorrect. In our case, we even calculate a percentage value which can let you see why we determined you as a Strong Fire as extracted in our full ba zi report. In your case, when we worked out the details, your five element percentage looks like the above. It is clear you are a Strong Fire, as total element making you strong (Wood+Fire) itself already 59.24% which is more than total elements that make you weak (Water+Metal) at 8.1%. Earth element cancels itself out in the equation since Earth can exhaust your Fire, while Earth can also detroy the Water which makes you weaker. 5. All these is available in the full ba zi report. The free ba zi report will not contain these full information, however, whatever the free report's true element will 100% be the same with the full ba zi reports. None of our reports are crippled in anyway. They are designed for users to freely use the many resources on our website, or even troubleshooting problems that they are facing. We just don't provide all the unnecessary information. Otherwise from past experience, the more details we put online, a lot of people will often cut and paste the details and keep asking us for futher advise. Anyway, all the imporant and useful information is made freely available as the report is meant for everyone to fully utilize the many resource on our wesbite. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  7. Hi Alvin, Western: 23 march 2023 Lunar: 初二 閠二月 Honestly, for people born in such special date, he/she will only have his true lunar birthday on a lunar year with a lunar 2nd month (閠二月) only a few times in his entire lifetime. So typically, for such people, what most people do is to celebrate his/her Chinese birthday on the normal 初二 二月 if there is no 閠二月. As under the lunar calendar system whether it is normal 二月 or 閠二月, they are is still considered born on 二月 2nd lunar month. Or in the other words, he will have his birthday either on 初二 二月 and 初二 閠二月. So in some special years he will have 2 lunar birthday in the same year. But effectively only that year with the 閠二月 is considered his true Chinese Lunar birthday (as it doesn't occur all the time). Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  8. I have checked your account and have fixed the issue. I have login to your account to test it the dark mode so you should see it when you next login.
  9. 1. Basically, it depends on how they define the sitting and facing direction. As Feng Shui can be applied to either Yang Feng Shui for the living or Yin Feng Shui (or Feng shui for the dead i.e. such as a burial), which will be the have the sitting and facing direction opposite of each other. 2. Yang Feng Shui (Feng Shui for the living) is where you want to face your good direction where Qi flow to flow in from the good direction and exit through the back of the house. 3. Yin Feng Shui (Feng Shui for the dead) is the opposite of Yang Feng Shui. Which is the complete opposite, of Yang Feng Shui. 4. Since we are applying Feng Shui for the living, therefor you want to face the good direction for Qi flow to enter into the house. Related:
  10. Since you mentioned that you checked that 18 Jan 2024 (is generally considered an auspicious date). I presume you checked the general tung shu and it says the day itself is good for marriage. Then overall, the clash and conflict will mainly affect the individuals horoscope that conflicts with the date. I mean general tung shu is a general date that assumes that everyone on this planet will generally be good. However, in reality depending on individual ba zi element and horoscope, whether they clash/harm with the day will result in different people having different luck for the day as well. So ideally, you need to consider everything and find the date with least clashes for the couple as well as being a relative good date for all as the ideal wedding date. Anyway, most family are most concerned with traditional wedding date (where you fetch the bride, do the tea ceremony and usually the hold the wedding banquet date). ROM date is often not viewed as the most important date. Hence, checking for auspicious date for ROM date becomes more of a nice to have, but not the most absolute necessary to most. So I mean yes, while the best advise is always to choose another date, but if the couple doesn't want to change as all the preparation is already done. Then nothing much you can do. Since you said the day is generally auspicious for wedding, so the clash will mainly affect only the people whose horoscope signs conflict with the day itself. So it won't affect everyone, but those selected horoscopes. As mentioned, different people will have certain day that is better and certain day that is not so good. Anyway, as long as the year (2024) doesn't clash with the bride or groom. Then the clash/harm is mainly for the day (18 Jan 2024) itself. Within a year, there will certainly be some ups and down days. So for those who horoscope sign clash/harm, just wear clothings that have some of the favourable colours to help boost their luck for the day is how you can improve the luck for the day itself.
  11. 1. Generally, we try to avoid choosing a year or day that clashes/harms with the Bride or Groom. 2. As that indicates a major conflict between the day and the bride or groom. 3. When looking at an auspicious date, we often want to find the date with least conflict with the both the bride and groom. 3.1. So it's best to choose another date.
  12. Only the two wedding couples will need to avoid attending each other's wedding in person. The rest of the other family members aren't directly affected by this, so they can continue attend.
  13. Generally, any two big auspicious/inauspicious events (ie two weddings events), will clash away each couples luck if it is held to close together. The ideal period should ideally be 12 months apart, but most people nowadays are acceptable to the idea of at least 6-12 months apart (or at least if there is a separation of two different years with a minimum of 3 months apart). For example, Nov 2023 and the other is in Feb 2024 (still acceptable as there is like a change in the year 2023/2024 in between them). Safest is still at least 1 year apart to be honest. Anyway, it also depends a lot on the family, some modern family are not so bothered by this, while many are still bothered by this. So best advice would be to avoid attending each other's wedding if you can.
  14. Frankly, we normally won't bother to reply to such post that simply provides the date and time of birth (or a screenshot of any third party chart) and expect us to review the info and answer the questions. As that usually takes time and effort to have to work out an review the dob, before we can answer any questions. Often that no longer falls under simple free advise most of the time, and usually you will need to get our full service to seek the personalised answers you are looking for. Furthermore, most answers you are asking are usually available in the full ba zi service. 1. Anyway, most of the answers for your question is also available on our free ba zi report itself:- https://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-fs-self-free.php?pay=0&tpl=chart_true_element&username=&gender=1&day=31&month=01&year=1989&hour=8 Since our free reports aren't crippled in anyway, it means you will get the exact same results in the paid report. Just that we don't provide all the details, only those useful for users to make use of. Which means that your true element is a Strong Metal. We provide the free report so that users can really make use of our reports and tools for their own benefit. Often we also do help people troubleshoot by using the free tools. Hence, we do not cripple the reports for that reason. 2. As for the suitable profession, this is usually only provided in the full ba zi report, but you can use the suitable element to determine that Water / Fire element related career (career industry or job scope element) are likely the most suitable, so you can also refer to this free resources that is available on our website. URL: http://talk.geomancy.net 3. Anyway, the only reason I am answering this post is to answer your question is because since our free report already answers most of your question. So to ask us to clarifying what is your true element strength, means that you are probably wanting to know why our chart states that it is Strong Metal, whereas others may have determined it as weak. Often, a lot of other practitioners don't really work out the chart in full details, this means any combinations (that may result in changes in the final element) and clash/harms that takes place, and even many don't even calculate the hidden House of Life and House of Conception pillars. All of which are just as important in determining the true elements. Without considering those details, it is easy to assess the true element incorrectly. Since a weak or strong element will result in different favourable and unfavourable elements. This is why for our site, we have worked this very carefully and in detailed in order to determine your personal true element. This is all calculated even for our free report (just that no detailed info are provided):- In the case of the date of birth dob provided, this ba zi chart is a Strong Metal:-. I have extracted this small section from our full ba zi report, so that you can see why:- Male - 31 Jan 1989 at 1.00 p.m. to 2.59 p.m. Lunar Calendar: 1988, 12th month, 24 day, Total Favourable Elements (that make you strong) Metal (27.9%) + Earth (58.1%) + Water (4.7%) 90.7% > Total Unfavourable Elements (that make you weak) Fire (0.0%) + Wood (9.3%) + Water (4.7%) 14.0% = Therefore, you are a Strong Metal NOTE: Water element eventually cancel itself out as Water element is a double-edged element in the equation. Water element helps to destroy the fire which weakens you (so it helps make it less total unfavourable less unfavourable), but it also exhaust your metal (which weakens your metal and makes your favourable element weaker). But it is necessary to include as each of the five elements each have a role to play. As you can see, the total elements that make you a strong is 90.7% which is greater than the total elements that make you weak which is 14.0%. Hence, you are a Strong Metal. The full details of the five element percentage chart is all available in our full ba zi report. You can see full sample of the reports as follows:- URL: https://www.geomancy.net/forums/store/category/3-ba-zi-life-reading-services/ Sample Report (Concise Expert Review Reports) Ba Zi Expert Review - Demo URL: https://www.geomancy.net/demoreports/bazi_v16_demo/bazi_demo_bazi_expert_review.html Ba Zi Yearly Forecast for 3 years (ie 2020/2021/2022) - Demo URL: https://www.geomancy.net/demoreports/bazi_v16_demo/bazi_demo_bazi_expert_review_2019_forecast.html Sample Reports (Plus detailed online reports at Online.Geomancy.Net available to you while you wait for the expert review) Ba Zi Premium Full Reference Report v16.x - Demo URL: https://www.geomancy.net/demoreports/bazi_v16_demo/bazi_demo_bazi_full_reference.html Ba Zi Premium Forecast Report v16.x (to view any 10-yearly period and yearly forecast) - Demo URL: https://www.geomancy.net/demoreports/bazi_v16_demo/bazi_demo_bazi_forecast.html Often it is easy to get this wrong, if you don't consider all the details in the chart, (interaction with all the pillars, the combinations that may change the final resulting elements and so forth, the additional hidden pillars and so forth). And that will result in interpreting the chart inaccurately. Hence, I am replying to this post just to clarify it and I felt it is important for a lot of users to realise this. Without getting this accurately done, you can often get your true element wrong, which then affects the overall ba zi assessment and even can affect the ability to troubleshoot a situation properly. As a person's luck is influenced by 3 forms of luck:- 1) Heaven Luck - Luck that you are born with and supposed to have. 2) Earth Luck - Luck from your Home/Office and surrounding environments. 3) Human Luck - Luck from your relationship with others and own hard work. Hence, each luck affects 33.3% of your overall luck. Sometimes some issues can arise from the Heaven Luck (Ba Zi), sometimes it can come from the Feng Shui of your Home/Office. Without accurately assessing the ba zi chart, it can be hard to determine if issues maybe coming from the ba zi given luck or from your house/office feng shui. This is why it is important to get the ba zi true element correctly, as that helps to properly define what you need to balance and a lot of things. This is why in our free ba zi we, provided your true element, the favourable/unfavourable elements and even the last 10-years of your luck forecast for you to be able to relate to your own situation in order to determine whether what maybe the issue etc. So our ba zi reports is designed to be fully usable and for troubleshooting purpose.
  15. Hi Everyone, Firstly, like to wish you and your loved ones, Health, Wealth & Happiness! As most our major sections of the site have been upgraded with the latest versions of the software technology and hardware, which now allow us to support more mobile friendly layout, we can now focus on improving some of older sections of our site which were still based on older standard html/table based site layout and design. Hence, as of 7 Jan 2023, I am happy to announced that I have updated our popular Comprehensive Chinese Horoscope and Yearly Forecast. This will be our 3rd major revision of the layout which was last updated on 22 Jan 2017 which was focus more on making the forecast more viewable on mobile devices. Here is our new Rabbit - 2023 Chinese Horoscope & Yearly Forecast:- https://www.geomancy.net/content/feng-shui-resources/yearly-forecast/rabbit-2023-chinese-horoscope-feng-shui-yearly-forecast Here is the 2024-2035 Chinese Horoscope & Yearly Forecast:- https://www.geomancy.net/content/feng-shui-resources/yearly-forecast/ Here are the key features our updated forecast:- 1. This update focus on taking advantage of many new mobile friendly framework (uikit) which I previously identified and have been utilizing for the main www.geomancy.net for sometime now. However, I didn't rush to convert the entire site to support it, as I wanted to make sure that it is a framework that I can use for many years to come. Now I am certain it is, I am now going to update it to our report sections to re-vamp our report sections as well. So our Chinese Horoscope and Yearly Forecast will be one the first section for us to apply this update. 2. Hence, I have re-vamp our yearly forecast, so that it is easier to read. You will be able to tell which are the favourable horoscope, which are the elements within that horoscope that are the best for this year etc with a new grid-like layout. 3. You will be able to see any special influence such as Earned Wealth, Unexpected Wealth, Friendship, Relationship, Nobleman or whatever that is prominent for the year. Even any negative influence Wealth Loss, Health, Accidents, Friendship Quarrels, Romance Breakup, Stress etc. Everything is displayed in a very easy grid-like layout. 4. We are also now officially introducing our 奇门遁甲 (Qi Men Dun Jia) Divinity Year Chart as part of the yearly forecast, as this can give additional insights into the year as well. So we can not only check the year with chinese horoscope, ba zi, flying star and soon with Qi Men Dun Jia Divinity Forecast as well. This will allow us to test the layout formatting for our new upcoming Divinity forecast chart which can add additional perspective to the yearly forecast. While we are not yet including any interpretation yet, as we are want to test to make sure that the chart and layout is okay before we add in the explanation. As this is a rather complicated report, trying to make it easy to understand and how best to present the interpretation can be rather challenging. So we are not rushing to release it until it is ready. For now, we are introducing it publicly, so that you get familiar with the new Qi Men Dun Jia Chart that will play an important part in future divinity forecast reports that we will be launching. Given that each sector is colour-coded, in 2023 for example, the North-East sector have all 4 sectors (Deity/Heaven/Earth/Human) in blue, which in the most basic interpretation would be good year for Agent / Photographing / Marriage / Banquet events. That is just one of the many interpretation possible. This chart can be used to forecast many many things, hence comes the complexity of how to present the analysis. Anyway, this chart is still a usable chart info, just like the yearly flying star chart that is also included in our forecast. Hence, it is going be an integral part of our future forecast update as well. 5. 2023 Monthly Forecast and 12 Horoscope Signs summary have options to filter the Good / Average / Bad Months/Horoscope, so that you can make it easier to see which months or horoscope are good or bad. We will start to include such user friendly interface in our future reports as well where it is useful. 6. Just as with our last ba zi report update, we now removed many of the technical ba zi details info which may appear a bit overwhelming for most average users. So the forecast looks more simple, yet still easy to understand. 7. Hence, we have our new and improved Chinese Horoscope and Yearly Forecast layout. So we have updated this latest format to all our older forecast (2005-2030). Plus, we added the upcoming forecast for 2031-2035 as well. So that you can have a seek preview into what's coming for at least the upcoming 10 years! We know our forecast are incredibly useful, so we are proud to be the first to release it early in advance for users to preview it. It is also also continually improve it so that it gets better and better, hence we made at least 10 years of forecast available for users to be able to access it! https://www.geomancy.net/content/feng-shui-resources/yearly-forecast/ Hope you enjoy the updates! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
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